

Socket.IO Client Unreal Example Project

Reference implementation of socket.io chat client in ue5 using blueprints and umg.

Unreal Client Plugin repository: https://github.com/getnamo/socketio-client-unreal

Post questions to the SocketIO Unreal Forum Thread or contribute to or open new issues at https://github.com/getnamo/socketio-client-unreal-example/issues.

Feel free to fork, update, contribute, or add other examples.

Installation and Setup

Short Video

Install and Go


  1. Download Latest Release
  2. Unzip into a folder of your choice

Server and Web Client

  1. Install node.js
  2. Navigate to server and open a command window at address (e.g. shift right click folder and open command window here)
  3. type npm install to install dependencies
  4. type node index to start the server
  5. Use the WebClient shortcut in the zip root folder or type localhost:3000 in your browser to test the web client

Unreal Client

  1. Navigate to sioclient folder and Open sioclient.uproject
  2. Once loaded, hit Play the client should auto-connect to your server
  3. watch messages from your web client stream in or press m to send a basic message to all clients.
  4. press enter to capture keyboard focus

