Homebrew Tap
This tap contains the latest formula for the following apps:
- cif - formats PEM certificates in a nice human readable ( format
- rip - sends a text file line by line to a remote host/port
- gop - package your multi-os/arch executables
- krypt - encrypt or decrypt files using different ciphers
- crank - generate random passwords
- git-user - git plugin to save multiple user profiles and set them as repo defaults
- paperless-uploader - watches a directory for files and uploads them to a paperless-ng instance
To install the tap, run:
$ brew tap gesquive/tap
After the tap is installed, you can install apps like any other brew formula:
$ brew install cig
You can search for the formulas in the tap with
$ brew search gesquive/tap
To uninstall, run:
$ brew untap gesquive/tap
Note: removing the tap will not remove any formulas installed from that tap.