

Scripts for Hyper-V researching

Different scripts for Microsoft Hyper-V internals researches. Folder ida75 contains scripts, which is compatible with IDA PRO 7.5

For latest Windows versions (Windows Server 2022 and Windows 11) and older Windows version with fresh patches, i recommend to use extract_hvcalls or extract_hvcalls_gui scripts, which are dynamically extract new hypercalls. Extract hvcalls gui video demonstration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohO4Hs4y59M

Some of scripts are using pykd: https://githomelab.ru/pykd/pykd/-/wikis/home. If server is unavailable, you can use next instructions for pykd launching:

  1. Install python 3.9

  2. Install pykd module from pip

    pip install pykd

  3. Load 64-bit pykd.dll from Download

  4. Load pykd.dll in WinDBG using

    .load "path_to_py_kd_dll"
    !py path_to_script

ParseAfdEndpointListHead.py - script for parsing afd!AfdEndpointListHead structure (WinDBG + pykd)

ParseAfdTlTransportListHead.py - script for parsing afd!AfdTlTransportListHead (WinDBG + pykd)