


This plugin renames KDE konsole sessions to display the current filename. The purpose of this is to make Damian Conway's vim-autoswap plugin working with KDE's konsole application. One of the features of vim-autoswap is, when editing a file which is already open in another vim session, it brings this window to the foreground. Therefore it needs to interact with the window manager. vim-autoswap uses wmctrl to list windows and activate windows, but the window must display the current filename in the first place. That's what this plugin is for. Note, this only works with KDE4, not with KDE3.


When using Damian Conway's vim-autoswap plugin, you will need



This is free software released into the public domain (CC0 license).

See the COPYING.CC0 file or http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ for more details.