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FaceAiSharp is a .NET library that allows you to work with face-related computer vision tasks. It currently provides face detection, face recognition, facial landmarks detection, and eye state detection functionalities. FaceAiSharp leverages publicly available pretrained ONNX models to deliver accurate and efficient results and offers a convenient way to integrate them into your .NET applications. Whether you need to find faces, recognize individuals, detect facial landmarks, or determine eye states, FaceAiSharp simplifies the process with its simple API. ONNXRuntime is used for model inference, enabling hardware acceleration were possible.


Key Highlights

Getting Started

  1. Create a new console app dotnet new console

  2. Install two packages providing the relevant code and models:

    dotnet add package Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime
    dotnet add package FaceAiSharp.Bundle
  3. Replace the content of the Program.cs file with the following code:

    using FaceAiSharp;
    using FaceAiSharp.Extensions;
    using SixLabors.ImageSharp;
    using SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats;
    using var hc = new HttpClient();
    var groupPhoto = await hc.GetByteArrayAsync(
    var img = Image.Load<Rgb24>(groupPhoto);
    var det = FaceAiSharpBundleFactory.CreateFaceDetectorWithLandmarks();
    var rec = FaceAiSharpBundleFactory.CreateFaceEmbeddingsGenerator();
    var faces = det.DetectFaces(img);
    foreach (var face in faces)
        Console.WriteLine($"Found a face with conficence {face.Confidence}: {face.Box}");
    var first = faces.First();
    var second = faces.Skip(1).First();
    // AlignFaceUsingLandmarks is an in-place operation so we need to create a clone of img first
    var secondImg = img.Clone();
    rec.AlignFaceUsingLandmarks(img, first.Landmarks!);
    rec.AlignFaceUsingLandmarks(secondImg, second.Landmarks!);
    Console.WriteLine($"Saved an aligned version of one of the faces found at \"./aligned.jpg\".");
    var embedding1 = rec.GenerateEmbedding(img);
    var embedding2 = rec.GenerateEmbedding(secondImg);
    var dot = embedding1.Dot(embedding2);
    Console.WriteLine($"Dot product: {dot}");
    if (dot >= 0.42)
        Console.WriteLine("Assessment: Both pictures show the same person.");
    else if (dot > 0.28 && dot < 0.42)
        Console.WriteLine("Assessment: Hard to tell if the pictures show the same person.");
    else if (dot <= 0.28)
        Console.WriteLine("Assessment: These are two different people.");
  4. Run the program you just created: dotnet run


Use the FaceAiSharp.Bundle package if you want a bundle that includes a selection of models to enable all features FaceAiSharp offers.

dotnet add package FaceAiSharp.Bundle

Install FaceAiSharp instead if you want to choose the models yourself or bring your own ones.

dotnet add package FaceAiSharp

See FaceAiSharp in Action

Try the interactive examples on https://facerec.gjung.com/ or review the code behind the app: https://github.com/georg-jung/explain-face-rec


See also: https://github.com/georg-jung/FaceAiSharp.Models


FaceAiSharp is released under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details. The pretrained ONNX models used by FaceAiSharp are subject to their respective licenses. Please refer to the license terms provided by the original creators of the pretrained models for more information. These licenses may be more restrictive than the MIT license. The fact that MIT License is specified in the repository does not mean that the models or other third-party works are made available under the license.


Contributions to FaceAiSharp are always welcome! If you find a bug, have a feature request, or want to contribute code or documentation improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.