

Blazor Wake-on-LAN


This is a Wake-on-LAN app for your network, written in server-side blazor. I developed it for internal use at my workplace and because I wanted to build a small, limited-scope but fully-working and done-right blazor app. Getting started is as easy as downloading and running. Feel free to improve/fork/PR this if you think I could have done anything better.

Getting Started

With Docker

You can start a BlazorWoL docker container like this:

docker run -e "ConnectionStrings__SqliteConnection=Data Source=/blazorwol/db.sqlite" -v /var/blazorwol:/blazorwol --network host --name blazorwol ghcr.io/georg-jung/blazorwol:latest

Please note that this does not work on Windows, even with WSL, as docker host networking is required.

By downloading binaries

  1. Download and unzip the latest release.
  2. Run the application by starting WoL.exe
  3. Open the shown location in a browser (probably localhost:5000) and add your first host.

You can add the application to IIS for more serious hosting. You can set up T-SQL as a backend for backup etc.. See the appsettings.json file for details. If you host this in IIS you might want to configure it to be always running, otherwise the first request after some idle time will take seconds.


The platform-specific releases have no prerequisits. Just unpack and double-click. The framework dependend release is smaller and portable but requires .Net 7 Runtime to be installed.




This application uses the following techniques and might be suitable as a simple but full-fledged example of how they work:

Known Limitations