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OSMDeepOD - OSM and Deep Learning based Object Detection from Aerial Imagery

OSMDeepOD is a project about object detection from aerial imagery using open data from OpenStreetMap (OSM). The project uses the open source software library TensorFlow, with a retrained Inception V3 neuronal network.

This work started as part of a semester thesis autumn 2015 at Geometa Lab, University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil (HSR). See Twitter hashtag #OSMDeepOD for news.

Material and Publications





Getting Started

The simplest way to use the detection process is to clone the repository and build/start the docker container.

git clone https://github.com/geometalab/OSMDeepOD.git
cd OSMDeepOD/docker/
sudo docker build . -t osmdeepod
sudo docker run -it --name osmdeepod -v ./:/objects osmdeepod bash

After the previous shell commands you have started a standalone instance of OSMDeepOD and you are connected to it. If you have a nvida GPU and nvidia-docker installed, you could use the "nvidia-docker" command to run the container for automatically usage of the GPU<sup id="a1">1</sup>.

To start the detection process use the src/role/main.py<sup id="a2">2</sup> script.

  1. Use the manger option to select the detection area and start the detection with the --standalone parameter.
python3 main.py --config ./config.ini --standalone manager 9.345101 47.090794 9.355947 47.097288

After the detection process has finished a "detected_nodes.json" file will appear with the results. If you like to use OSMDeepOD in a more parallel and distributed way have a look at the https://github.com/geometalab/OSMDeepOD-Visualize repository. There you have got the ability to use redis as a message queue and you can run many OSMDeepOD instances as workers.


The configuration works with an INI file. The file looks like the following:

Network = /path/to/the/trained/convnet
Labels = /path/to/the/label/file/of/the/convnet
Barrier = 0.99
Word = crosswalk
Key = highway
Value = crossing
ZoomLevel = 19
Compare = yes
Orthofoto = other
FollowStreets = yes
StepWidth = 0.66

Server =
Port = 40001
Password = crosswalks

BboxSize = 2000
Timeout = 5400

Some hints to the config file:

Own Orthofotos

To use your own Orthofotos you have to do the following steps:

  1. Add a new directory to src/data/orthofoto
  2. Add a new module to the directory with the name: <code><var><your_new_directory></var>_api.py</code>
  3. Create a class in the module with the name: <code><var><Your_new_directory></var>Api</code> (First letter needs to be uppercase)
  4. Implement the function def get_image(self, bbox): and returns a pillow image of the bbox
  5. After that you can use your api with the parameter <code>--orthofots <var><your_new_directory></var></code>

If you have problems with the implementation have a look at the wms or other example.


During this work, we have collected our own dataset with swiss crosswalks and non-crosswalks. The pictures have a size of 50x50 pixels and are available by request.

Crosswalk Examples

Picture 3: Crosswalk Examples

No-Crosswalk Examples

Picture 4: No Crosswalk Examples





Big Data; Data Science; Data Engineering; Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Neuronal Nets; Imagery; Volunteered Geographic Information; Crowdsourcing; Geographic Information Systems; Infrastructure; Parallel Programming.