


Rust firmware for IR thermometer based on STM32L151CBT6 and MLX90614.


Hardware diagram:

alt text



Firmware diagram:

alt text



User interface

Navigation through menu is performed using short button presses. Menu item selection is performed by long button presses. Menu items:

Quick start guide

Custom runner

The board does not have JTAG or SWD connector. So it has to be programmed through UART using ST bootloader. To simplify build and flash procedure, custom cargo runner is implemented. This script does the following two things:

Note that BOOT0 jumper shall be properly connected to switch MCU into UART boot mode.

Custom runner calls stm32flash and llvm-objdump using certain default parameters, including baudrate, serial port, and binary format. Those changes can be modified using custom runner script input parameters:

cargo run --release --example test-led -- -h

$ cargo run --example test-led
$ cargo run --release --example test-led
$ cargo run --example test-led -- -p /dev/ttyUSB1 -r 9600
$ cargo run --example test-led -- -t bin

Supported additional options:
  -t, --type          bin or ihex, default is ihex
  -p, --port          serial port, default is /dev/ttyUSB0
  -r, --rate          serial port baud rate, default is 115200

I2C selection using cargo features

Tests and binaries support two different i2c implementations:

Any of the options can be selected using cargo features: i2c_hw or i2c_bb. By default i2c_hw option is selected:

$ cargo run --release --example test-i2c-at24
$ cargo run --release --example test-i2c-mlx90614
$ cargo run --release --no-default-features --features i2c_bb --example test-i2c-at24
$ cargo run --release --no-default-features --features i2c_bb --example test-i2c-mlx90614

Firmware size checks

Use cargo-binutils to check firmware size summary:

$ $ cargo size --release --bin rust-ir-thermo 
   text	   data	    bss	    dec	    hex	filename
  48476	      0	    240	  48716	   be4c	rust-ir-thermo

$ cargo size --release --example test-i2c-at24
   text	   data	    bss	    dec	    hex	filename
  15220	      0	     12	  15232	   3b80	test-i2c-at24

Use additional option to get all sections sizes:

$ cargo size --release --bin rust-ir-thermo -- -A
rust-ir-thermo  :
section              size        addr
.vector_table         292   0x8000000
.text               40428   0x8000124
.rodata              7756   0x8009f10
.data                   0  0x20000000
.bss                  124  0x20000000
.uninit               116  0x2000007c
.debug_str          48797         0x0
.debug_abbrev        3022         0x0
.debug_info         34958         0x0
.debug_aranges       1448         0x0
.debug_ranges       25584         0x0
.debug_pubnames     12771         0x0
.debug_pubtypes       342         0x0
.ARM.attributes        48         0x0
.debug_frame         4956         0x0
.debug_line         39301         0x0
.comment              147         0x0
Total              220090

Use cargo-bloat to find out what takes most of the space in firmware binary:

$ cargo bloat --release --bin rust-ir-thermo 
 File  .text    Size          Crate Name
 3.0%  18.8%  7.4KiB            std core::fmt::float::float_to_decimal_common_shortest
 2.7%  16.7%  6.6KiB            std core::fmt::float::float_to_decimal_common_exact
 1.7%  10.5%  4.1KiB      [Unknown] EXTI2
 1.2%   7.3%  2.9KiB rust_ir_thermo rust_ir_thermo::init
 0.5%   3.2%  1.3KiB            std <char as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt
 0.4%   2.6%  1.0KiB            std compiler_builtins::int::udiv::__udivmoddi4
 0.3%   1.9%    782B            std core::num::bignum::Big32x40::mul_digits
 0.3%   1.9%    768B            std core::str::slice_error_fail
 0.3%   1.9%    766B            std core::fmt::Formatter::pad
 0.3%   1.7%    696B            std core::fmt::Formatter::write_formatted_parts
 0.2%   1.5%    626B            std core::num::flt2dec::strategy::dragon::mul_pow10
 0.2%   1.5%    610B            std core::fmt::Formatter::pad_integral
 0.2%   1.5%    604B            std core::fmt::num::<impl core::fmt::Debug for usize>::fmt
 0.2%   1.2%    466B            std core::fmt::write
 0.2%   1.1%    434B            std core::num::flt2dec::round_up
 0.2%   1.0%    414B            std <&T as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt
 0.2%   1.0%    404B            std compiler_builtins::float::add::__addsf3
 0.2%   0.9%    384B            std compiler_builtins::float::div::__divsf3
 0.2%   0.9%    382B            std <core::fmt::builders::PadAdapter as core::fmt::Write>::write_str
 0.1%   0.9%    358B            std compiler_builtins::float::mul::__mulsf3
 3.5%  21.7%  8.6KiB                And 101 smaller methods. Use -n N to show more.
16.0% 100.0% 39.5KiB                .text section size, the file size is 247.3KiB