

ArcGIS Online

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This is the ArcGIS provider from the PHP Geocoder. This is a READ ONLY repository. See the main repo for information and documentation.

ArcGIS provides 2 APIs for geocoding addresses:

Since a token is required for the geocodeAddresses API, the geocodeQuery method checks the token property:


Without a token

$httpClient = new \Http\Discovery\Psr18Client();

$provider = new \Geocoder\Provider\ArcGISList\ArcGISList($httpClient);

// Uses the `findAddressCandidates` operation. Result storage is prohibited.
$result = $geocoder->geocodeQuery(GeocodeQuery::create('Buckingham Palace, London'));

With a token

$httpClient = new \Http\Discovery\Psr18Client();

// Your token is required.
$provider = \Geocoder\Provider\ArcGISList\ArcGISList::token($httpClient, 'your-token');

// Uses the `geocodeAddresses` operation. Result storage is permitted.
$result = $geocoder->geocodeQuery(GeocodeQuery::create('Buckingham Palace, London'));


composer require geocoder-php/arcgis-online-provider


It is possible to specify a sourceCountry to restrict results to this specific country thus reducing request time (note that this doesn't work on reverse geocoding).


Contributions are very welcome! Send a pull request to the main repository or report any issues you find on the issue tracker.