

🐵 Xmonkey Userscript: Bun + TypeScript Boilerplate

Create powerful Xmonkey (Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey/Violentmonkey/...) userscripts using the all-in-one lightning-fast Bun JavaScript runtime and TypeScript.


Getting Started

  1. Install Bun. We recommend using the mise method, but you can also follow the official Bun installation guide.

  2. Create a new project using this template:

    bun create genzj/bun-ts-userscript-starter my-awesome-userscript
    cd my-awesome-userscript
  3. Start the development server:

    bun dev
  4. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to install the built userscript. This template includes an example that injects into https://example.com, so you can visit that site to verify the installation.

  5. Every time you update your code, the bun dev command will rebuild the userscript. You'll need to update or reinstall the script either from your Xmonkey dashboard or by refreshing http://localhost:3000.


# Create a minified build for distribution
bun run build

# Generate a non-minified development build with inline sourcemap
bun run build:dev

# Watch for changes and automatically run development builds
bun run build:watch

# View additional building options
bun run build.ts --help

Release Your Script

Option 1: By GitHub Release

Pushing a tag to GitHub triggers the workflow that builds and creates the corresponding release. The release is initially created as a draft and prerelease, allowing you to test it before publishing it to users. To adjust this behavior, edit the Release step in .github/workflows/publish-release-action.yml.

With this option, the build.ts script sets updateURL and downloadURL to the artifact of the latest release, e.g., https://github.com/genzj/bun-ts-userscript-starter/releases/latest/download/bun-ts-userscript-starter.user.js. Share this link with users for installing or upgrading to the latest version.

Option 2: By Git Commit

If GitHub Actions are not an option (e.g., if you're using a self-hosted repository), you can commit the release builds directly. First, stop the dev server (if running) by pressing Ctrl+C. Then, run bun run build and commit and push the dist/*/*.user.js file to the repo.

In this case, the build.ts script will set updateURL and downloadURL to the raw file in your repository, e.g., https://github.com/genzj/bun-ts-userscript-starter/raw/main/dist/bun-ts-userscript-starter.user.js. You may need to update build.ts if your repository is hosted outside GitHub, or use the Option 3 below.

Option 3: Out Of Band (Handle Release Yourself)

For other release channels, override the updateURL and downloadURL to point to your actual release URL. To do this, edit the userscriptHeader section in package.json, for example:

"userscriptHeader": {
    "@updateURL": "https://g3r.top/bun-ts-userscript",
    "@downloadURL": "https://g3r.top/bun-ts-userscript"

Updating the Userscript Metadata Block

Customize the userscript metadata through the userscriptHeader field in package.json. Any key in this field will be written to the metadata block. Values can be either a string (for single-line entries) or an array of strings (for multi-line entries). See the @match and @grant fields in the template's package.json for examples.



This project draws significant inspiration from the Greasemonkey Webpack + TypeScript boilerplate.

⏲ Changelog