<!-- vim: sw=2: -->dm9pZCAq overlay
packages in overlay: 54
detailed information about packages
- aslstatus - [my, uniq] Async suckless status monitor
- gpg-tui - [uniq] Terminal User Interface for GnuPG
- vim - [symlinks to use neovim as vim]
- eselect-repository - [you can use curl instead of wget] Manage repos.conf via eselect
- gitstatus - [uniq] Git status for Bash and Zsh prompt
- zsh-powerlevel10k - [uniq] Theme for Zsh that emphasizes speed, flexibility and out-of-the-box experience
- zsh-vi-mode - [uniq] A better and friendly vi(vim) mode plugin for ZSH.
- zsh-you-should-use - [uniq] ZSH plugin that reminds you to use existing aliases for commands you just typed
- smu - [uniq] Simple markup - markdown like syntax
- metalang99 - [uniq] Full-blown preprocessor metaprogramming
- moonscript - [uniq] A programmer friendly language that compiles into Lua
- teal - [uniq] The compiler for Teal, a typed dialect of Lua
- wren - [maintained] Wren is a small, fast, class-based concurrent scripting language
- datatype99 - [uniq] Algebraic data types for C99
- interface99 - [uniq] Zero-boilerplate interfaces for C99
- libexecinfo - [uniq] BSD licensed clone of the GNU libc backtrace facility (for musl libc)
- alt-getopt - [other ebuild] Lua bindings to getopt_long
- compat53 - [uniq] Compatibility module providing Lua-5.3-style APIs for Lua 5.2 and 5.1
- fnlfmt - [uniq] A formatter for Fennel code
- urwid - [older version for net-p2p/stig] Curses-based user interface library for Python
- gitui - [uniq] Blazing fast terminal-ui for git
- nerd-fonts - [better ebuild] Collection of fonts that are patched to include a high number of glyphs (icons)
- gifski - [uniq] Highest-quality GIF encoder based on pngquant
- bandwhich - [maintained] Terminal bandwidth utilization tool
- telebot - [uniq] Telegram Bot API in C
- stig - [better ebuild] TUI and CLI for the BitTorrent client Transmission
- yggdrasil-go - [maintained, better ebuild, can run as non-root user] An experiment in scalable routing as an encrypted IPv6 overlay network
- eiwd - [maintained, better ebuild, clang patches] iwd without dbus
- dm9pZCAq-coreutils - [my, uniq] GNU compatible suckless coreutils
- hexyl - [uniq] A command-line hex viewer
- huxdemp - [uniq] A better hexdump
- pam_dumb_runtime_dir - [better ebuild] Creates an XDG_RUNTIME_DIR on login and never removes it
- gf2 - [uniq] GDB frontend for Linux
- libudev-zero - [uniq, udev] Daemonless replacement for libudev
- zola - [maintained] A fast static site generator with everything built-in
- clayout - [my, uniq] Save own keyboard layout for each window
- herbe - [uniq] Daemon-less notifications without D-Bus
- lemonbar - [better ebuild] A featherweight, lemon-scented, bar based on xcb
- qt5ct - [dbus is optional] Qt5 configuration tool, similar to qtconfig for Qt4
- screenkey - [dbus is optional] Screencast your keys
- xcolor - [uniq] Lightweight color picker for X11
- xinput-gui - [maintained] Simple GUI for
in [ square brackets ] info about difference with other overlays
some sed script for generating dependencies
here is instruction on how to manage devices totally without systemd
(with sys-fs/mdevd
and sys-libs/libudev-zero
you need version >=
of sys-fs/mdevd
(for -O
(see: NEWS and NOTE)
and to use all of this you need:
- add
to package.accept_keywords:
~virtual/udev-9999::dm9pZCAq **
~virtual/libudev-9999::dm9pZCAq **
- reemerge some packages:
emerge -C "${yours_udev}" "${yours_libudev}" # it may be the same package
emerge -1 \
sys-fs/mdevd::dm9pZCAq \
virtual/udev::dm9pZCAq \
virtual/libudev::dm9pZCAq \
# or if you already using busybox, you can use mdev from there
# add `sys-apps/busybox mdev` to `package.use`
# and maybe change some busybox configs
emerge -1 \
sys-apps/busybox \
virtual/udev::dm9pZCAq \
virtual/libudev::dm9pZCAq \
sys-libs/libudev-zero::dm9pZCAq \
- change yours init scripts
- runit
- openrc: you can add yours through PR, issue or directly contact me (see contact info at my website)