

Ansible role for GitLab

This role installs and configures GitLab on Gentoo Linux *.

* If you’re using some Debian-based distro like Ubuntu, then switch to branch ubuntu. Note: I know how to support more distros in one role, but I don’t want to.

Directory structure

This roles doesn’t follows bad-practices from the official GitLab installation guide about keeping everything inside /home/git. I’ve changed the structure to be more compliant with (FHS). However, it’s not written in stone, most of the paths can be simply customized using variables (see defaults/main.yml).

|-- etc
|   |-- logrotate.d
|   |   `-- gitlab
|   |-- gitlab  # site specific configuration (symlinked to /opt/gitlab/config)
|   |   |-- database.yml
|   |   |-- gitlab_shell.secret
|   |   |-- gitlab-shell.yml
|   |   |-- gitlab.yml
|   |   |-- resque.yml
|   |   `-- unicorn.rb
|   `-- init.d
|       `-- gitlab  # OpenRC runscript
|-- opt
|   |-- gitlab  # cloned gitlab sources
|   |   `-- public  # static files served by a web server
|   |       `-- uploads  # user-uploaded files, e.g. issue attachements (SHOULD BE BACKED UP!)
|   `-- gitlab-shell
|       `-- hooks
|-- run
|   `-- gitlab
|       |-- gitlab.sock
|       `-- unicorn.pid
`-- var
    |-- lib
    |   `-- git  # home directory of the git user
    |       |-- .ssh
    |       |   `-- authorized_keys  # managed by gitlab-shell
    |       |-- repo_satellites  # checked out repositories for merge requests and editing from web UI
    |       |-- repositories     # bare repositories (SHOULD BE BACKED UP!)
    |       `-- .gitconfig
    |-- log
    |   `-- gitlab  # both gitlab and gitlab-shell logs
    `-- tmp
        `-- gitlab  # temporary files
            |-- cache     # assets cache
            `-- download  # repository downloads directory


This project is licensed under MIT license.