

<h1 align="center"> <br> <img width="220" height="200" src="logo.png"> <br> element </h1> <h2 align="center"> <a href="#" onclick="return false;"> <img alt="PR" src="https://img.shields.io/badge/PRs-welcome-brightgreen.svg?style=flat"/> </a> <a href="https://golang.org/"> <img alt="Go" src="https://img.shields.io/badge/go-%2300ADD8.svg?&style=flat&logo=go&logoColor=white"/> </a> <a href="https://github.com/gennaro-tedesco/element/releases"> <img alt="releases" src="https://img.shields.io/github/release/gennaro-tedesco/element"/> </a> </h2> <h4 align="center">The periodic table on the command line</h4> <h3 align="center"> <a href="#Installation">Installation</a> • <a href="#Usage">Usage</a> </h3>


Go get it!

go install github.com/gennaro-tedesco/element@latest



Using element is element-ary! Run element and use the autocompletion menu to select the item to display properties of! Or, if you already know, run element <name> directly.

Check element -h for help and examples.


<details> <summary>Other commands</summary>
element random

to show properties of a random element. Use it at shell start-up or as fortune cookie in cowsay!

element table

to display the periodic table in ascii format!

<img alt="table" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15387611/115287360-7a862780-a150-11eb-9d6d-99a792d22610.png"> </details>
elementprompt autocompletion menu to select from<C-d> to quit, <Up/Down> to scroll
element irondirectly display properties of iron
element randomdisplay properties of a random element
element tabledisplay the periodic table in ascii format
element versionprint current program version


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