

<h1 align="center"> <br> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15387611/210524697-9c3f3efc-47d4-477e-8053-28854b319faa.png" width="400"> <br> dotfiles <br> </h1> <h2 align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/gennaro-tedesco/dotfiles/releases"> <img alt="releases" src="https://img.shields.io/github/release/gennaro-tedesco/dotfiles"/> </a> </h2> <h4 align="center">My personal dotfiles: no more, no less</h4> <h3 align="center"> <a href="#Requirements">Requirements</a> • <a href="#Installation">Installation</a> • <a href="#Screenshots">Screenshots</a> </h3>


I am making use of a certain number of system programs that you can find in REQUIREMENTS.md; some of them are necessary as they are included in zsh functions as well as neovim plugins and navi commands, whereas some others are optional.


Clone the repository

git clone git@github.com:gennaro-tedesco/dotfiles.git
cd dotfiles

Use the Makefile to install the programs configurations you want:

# to install nvim configurations
make nvim

# to install zsh configurations
make zsh

# to install navi cheatsheets
make navi

and so forth.


<details> <summary>Show look</summary> <img width="1321" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15387611/116796202-10b83700-aadb-11eb-887a-510fc540d142.png"> <img width="1321" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15387611/149603156-a0dddbfb-62d3-40ef-afc8-532be85fc5bc.png"> </details>