Taylor Expansion Without the Agonizing Pain 👻
This is my submission for the WWDC 2019 scholarship. It was accepted, hurray 🎉
Explore the beauty and elegance of the Taylor expansion in an interactive and fun playground 👈🏻
Click on the image to see a demo video on Youtube.
When I first encountered the Taylor expansion in my calculus class, I was scared. The formula looked like a long winded sum of complicated derivatives. But over the years, I saw the elegance and beauty behind the Taylor expansion. What once was a Poltergeist 👻 that haunted me in my exams became an irreplaceable tool in my daily life as a mathematician and computer scientist.
I developed this playground to show the principle of the Taylor expansion in an interactive environment ✨
Developed by Viet Duc Nguyen
This playground is available under the MIT license, see the LICENSE file for more information.