

Python code to query the Censys public scan database. This script is made around library censys-python (https://github.com/Censys/censys-python) and is inteded to make censys queries quick & easy from command-line.


You need to create an account on https://censys.io and get your API key and secret at https://censys.io/account

Important note: your queries will be throttled. What is allowed is 0.2 tokens/second (60.0 per 5 minute bucket).

$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt


$ censys_io.py --help
usage: censys_io.py [-h] [-m MATCH] [-f FILTER] [--count] [-r REPORT]
                    [-B REPORT_BUCKET] [-a ASN] [-c COUNTRY] [-o CERT_ORG]
                    [-i CERT_ISSUER] [-s CERT_HOST] [-S HTTP_SERVER]
                    [-t HTML_TITLE] [-b HTML_BODY] [-T TAGS] [--api_id API_ID]
                    [--api_secret API_SECRET] [-d] [-v] [-l LIMIT] [-H]
                    [arguments [arguments ...]]

Censys query via command line

-- gelim

positional arguments:
  arguments             Censys query

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MATCH, --match MATCH
                        Highlight a string within an existing query result
  -f FILTER, --filter FILTER
                        Filter the JSON keys to display for each result (use value 'help' for interesting fields)
  --count               Print the count result and exit
  -r REPORT, --report REPORT
                        Stats on given field (use value 'help' for listing interesting fields)
                        Bucket len in report mode (default: 50)
  -a ASN, --asn ASN     Filter with ASN (ex: 36040 for Google Inc.)
  -c COUNTRY, --country COUNTRY
                        Filter with country
  -o CERT_ORG, --cert-org CERT_ORG
                        Cert issued to org
  -i CERT_ISSUER, --cert-issuer CERT_ISSUER
                        Cert issued by org
  -s CERT_HOST, --cert-host CERT_HOST
                        hostname cert is issued to
  -S HTTP_SERVER, --http-server HTTP_SERVER
                        Server header
  -t HTML_TITLE, --html-title HTML_TITLE
                        Filter on html page title
  -b HTML_BODY, --html-body HTML_BODY
                        Filter on html body content
  -T TAGS, --tags TAGS  Filter on specific tags. E.g: -T tag1,tag2,... (use keyword 'list' to list usual tags
  --api_id API_ID       Censys API ID (optional if no env defined
  --api_secret API_SECRET
                        Censys API SECRET (optional if no env defined)
  -d, --debug           Debug informations
  -v, --verbose         Print raw JSON records
  -l LIMIT, --limit LIMIT
                        Limit to N results
  -H, --html            Renders html elements in a browser
  --tsv                 Export result of search in TSV format

For full details about the formatting rules for arguments see search syntax in page https://censys.io/ipv4/help?q=x%3Ax

For a quick and dirty test, you can build queries like:

Note about looking for substrings

Censys is backed by Elasticsearch, plus they filter the requests for performance reasons.

If you want to look for all values beginning with the string Whatsapp, you can look for key:Whatsapp*. If you look only for key:Whatsapp you will get only fields that where analyzed (strings cut into pieces depending on language rules, specific tokens, etc.) and contains facets with the exact string "Whatsapp".

An example to highlight that is the values stored in the key 443.https.tls.certificate.parsed.subject.organization. By looking for 443.https.tls.certificate.parsed.subject.organization:Whatsapp you will find ~90 results. Those will be entries with values:

But you will miss the values WhatsApp, Inc. that has ~350 entries. If we check censys.io "Data definitions" this field should be analyzed as a "String" and the comma should be removed by the tokenizer but something is not working as expecting.

So you need to be very careful when looking for substrings and try different methods by either doing wildcards search (beware that Censys disable beginning search term with a wildcard) or by using pure regexp like /.*Whatsapp.*/.


Generic query IP or host (look for anything matching the string in Censys indexed data)

Let's search for IP entries that contain the string "nmap" in one of their keys.

$ censy_io.py --limit 20 nmap
Number of results: 1002   Title: N/A                                        SSL: dawidstachowiak.pl                           AS: OVH, (16276)                        Loc: FR /                     OS: N/A        Tags: http, ssh, https   Title: BrainDump                                  SSL: philmcclure.duckdns.org                      AS: ENERGIZE (19215)                    Loc: US / Pulaski             OS: N/A        Tags: http, ssh, https  Title: Starlight Networking Security Lab          SSL:                                              AS: LINODE-AP (63949)                   Loc: US / Absecon             OS: N/A        Tags: http, ssh   Title: N/A                                        SSL:                                              AS: FIBER (5048)                        Loc: US / Orem                OS: CentOS     Tags: http, ssh    Title: nweb.io                                    SSL: nweb.io                                      AS: LINODE-AP (63949)                   Loc: US / Absecon             OS: N/A        Tags: http, ssh, https   Title: Kyodo2.0 Digital-Lab News Map Project      SSL: localhost.localdomain                        AS: OCN (4713)                          Loc: JP / Tokyo               OS: Fedora     Tags: dhe-export, rsa-export, http, https Title: Ninja.Style                                SSL:                                              AS: LINODE-AP (63949)                   Loc: US / Absecon             OS: Ubuntu     Tags: http, ssh   Title: PASA Pallas                                SSL: pasa.pallas.com                              AS: PALLAS-AS, (24861)                  Loc: DE /                     OS: N/A        Tags: http, https    Title: Go ahead and ScanMe!                       SSL:                                              AS: LINODE-AP (63949)                   Loc: US / Absecon             OS: Ubuntu     Tags: http, ssh Title:                                            SSL:                                              AS: IT7NET (25820)                      Loc: US / Phoenix             OS: CentOS     Tags: http    Title: SL Labs                                    SSL:                                              AS: SOFTLAYER (36351)                   Loc: SG / Singapore           OS: CentOS     Tags: http     Title: Check for Web Servers and more             SSL:                                              AS: UK-NETCETERA (24851)                Loc: GB /                     OS: Debian     Tags: http  Title: Infosec Notes                              SSL: 2d8.ru                                       AS: ARUBA-ASN, (31034)                  Loc: DK /                     OS: Ubuntu     Tags: http, smtp, https    Title: SL Labs                                    SSL:                                              AS: SOFTLAYER (36351)                   Loc: US / San Jose            OS: CentOS     Tags: http   Title: Citrin Toolbox                             SSL:                                              AS: INIT7, (13030)                      Loc: CH /                     OS: N/A        Tags: http  Title:                                            SSL:                                              AS: CNNIC-ALIBABA-CN-NET-AP (37963)     Loc: CN / Hangzhou            OS: CentOS     Tags: http, ssh  Title: SL Labs                                    SSL:                                              AS: SOFTLAYER (36351)                   Loc: US /                     OS: CentOS     Tags: http    Title: SL Labs                                    SSL:                                              AS: SOFTLAYER (36351)                   Loc: SG / Singapore           OS: CentOS     Tags: http    Title: Wait, wha?                                 SSL:                                              AS: IMMEDION (15085)                    Loc: US / Greenville          OS: N/A        Tags: http  Title: My Blog                                    SSL:                                              AS: BCC-65-182-96-0-PHX (33055)         Loc: US / Phoenix             OS: N/A        Tags: http

Count how much web servers have 'SAP' in their Server header

$ censys_io.py -S SAP --count

Get geo reparition of server with 'ABAP' in their Server header

$ censys_io.py -S ABAP --report location.country.raw --report_bucket 10
Number of results: 602
count           raw
159             United States
90              Germany
30              Brazil
27              Italy
25              India
20              Australia
18              Canada
16              Denmark
16              Republic of Korea
16              Spain

Filter hosts by their HTML title

This is a very cool feature, but unfortunately works only for tcp/80 scans. They don't store http content on https scans.

$ censys_io.py --title "IVRE Web UI"
Number of results: 17  Title: IVRE Web UI                                SSL:                                              AS: AS12876, (12876)                    Loc: FR /                     OS: N/A        Tags: http, ssh  Title: IVRE Web UI                                SSL:                                              AS: CENTURYLINK-LEGACY-SAVVIS (3561)    Loc: US / Chesterfield        OS: Ubuntu     Tags: http Title: IVRE Web UI                                SSL: pms.pditsolutions.eu                         AS: HETZNER-AS, (24940)                 Loc: DE /                     OS: N/A        Tags: http, ssh, https   Title: IVRE Web UI                                SSL:                                              AS: NETDYNAMICS (7160)                  Loc: FR / Paris               OS: Debian     Tags: http, ssh   Title: IVRE Web UI                                SSL:                                              AS: OVH, (16276)                        Loc: FR /                     OS: Ubuntu     Tags: http, ssh  Title: IVRE Web UI                                SSL:                                              AS: CENTURYLINK-LEGACY-SAVVIS (3561)    Loc: US / Chesterfield        OS: Ubuntu     Tags: http     Title: IVRE Web UI                                SSL:                                              AS: AS-CHOOPA (20473)                   Loc: US / Matawan             OS: Ubuntu     Tags: http, ssh    Title: IVRE Web UI                                SSL:                                              AS: 5THCOLUMN (394205)                  Loc: US /                     OS: Ubuntu     Tags: http   Title: IVRE Web UI                                SSL:                                              AS: AS-CHOOPA (20473)                   Loc: US / Atlanta             OS: Ubuntu     Tags: http, ssh    Title: IVRE Web UI                                SSL:                                              AS: AMAZON-02 (16509)                   Loc: US / Wilmington          OS: N/A        Tags: http, ssh  Title: IVRE Web UI                                SSL:                                              AS: CARINET (10439)                     Loc: US / San Diego           OS: Debian     Tags: http    Title: IVRE Web UI                                SSL:                                              AS: AS-CHOOPA (20473)                   Loc: US / Matawan             OS: Ubuntu     Tags: http, ssh  Title: IVRE Web UI                                SSL:                                              AS: DIGITALOCEAN-ASN (14061)            Loc: US / Wilmington          OS: N/A        Tags: http, ssh    Title: IVRE Web UI                                SSL:                                              AS: AMAZON-02 (16509)                   Loc: US / Wilmington          OS: Ubuntu     Tags: http, ssh   Title: IVRE Web UI                                SSL:                                              AS: DIGITALOCEAN-ASN (14061)            Loc: US / San Diego           OS: Ubuntu     Tags: http, ssh   Title: IVRE Web UI                                SSL:                                              AS: DIGITALCORPORATION-AS-AP (135671)   Loc:  /                       OS: N/A        Tags: http   Title: IVRE Web UI                                SSL:                                              AS: AMAZON-02 (16509)                   Loc: US / Norwalk             OS: N/A        Tags: http, ssh

Retrieve the hosts that have SSL certificate with organization 'Whatsapp'

$ censys_io.py --cert-org "Whatsapp*" --limit 10
Number of results: 456  Title: phpinfo()                                  SSL: web.whatsapp.com                             AS: DIGITALOCEAN-ASN-NY3 (393406)       Loc: US / New York            OS: Ubuntu     Tags: http, ssh, https    Title: N/A                                        SSL: *.whatsapp.net + *.whatsapp.net              AS: SOFTLAYER (36351)                   Loc: US /                     OS: N/A        Tags: https   Title: N/A                                        SSL: *.whatsapp.net + *.whatsapp.net              AS: SOFTLAYER (36351)                   Loc: US /                     OS: N/A        Tags: https    Title: N/A                                        SSL: *.whatsapp.net + *.whatsapp.net              AS: SOFTLAYER (36351)                   Loc: NL /                     OS: N/A        Tags: https   Title: N/A                                        SSL: *.whatsapp.net + *.whatsapp.net              AS: SOFTLAYER (36351)                   Loc: NL /                     OS: N/A        Tags: https   Title: N/A                                        SSL: *.whatsapp.net + *.whatsapp.net              AS: SOFTLAYER (36351)                   Loc: US /                     OS: N/A        Tags: https  Title: N/A                                        SSL: *.whatsapp.net + *.whatsapp.net              AS: SOFTLAYER (36351)                   Loc: US /                     OS: N/A        Tags: https    Title: N/A                                        SSL: *.whatsapp.net + *.whatsapp.net              AS: SOFTLAYER (36351)                   Loc: NL /                     OS: N/A        Tags: https    Title: N/A                                        SSL: *.whatsapp.net + *.whatsapp.net              AS: SOFTLAYER (36351)                   Loc: US / Chantilly           OS: N/A        Tags: https    Title: N/A                                        SSL: *.whatsapp.net + *.whatsapp.net              AS: Networld Provedor e Servicos de Internet Ltda, BR (28178)Loc: BR /                     OS: N/A        Tags: https

Highlight which keys are matching string for a specific search query

Let's have a look at SAP ABAP servers answering an error on their frontpage and let's highlight an interesting keyword:

censys_io.py -t "Logon Error Message" -S ABAP -m "ICF-nf-http" --limit 10

Printing raw JSON record from database for a specific request

$ censys_io.py ip: --verbose
Number of results: 1
{u'53': {u'dns': {u'lookup': {u'additionals': [],
                              u'answers': [{u'name': u'c.afekv.com',
                                            u'response': u'',
                                            u'type': u'A'},
                                           {u'name': u'c.afekv.com',
                                            u'response': u'',
                                            u'type': u'A'}],
                              u'authorities': [],
                              u'errors': False,
                              u'metadata': {},
                              u'open_resolver': True,
                              u'questions': [{u'name': u'c.afekv.com',
                                              u'type': u'A'}],
                              u'resolves_correctly': True,
                              u'support': True}}},
 u'autonomous_system': {u'asn': 15169,
                        u'country_code': u'',
                        u'description': u'GOOGLE - Google Inc., US',
                        u'name': u'GOOGLE',
                        u'organization': u'Google Inc., US',
                        u'path': [15169],
                        u'rir': u'unknown',
                        u'routed_prefix': u''},
 u'ip': u'',
 u'location': {u'city': u'Mountain View',
               u'continent': u'North America',
               u'country': u'United States',
               u'country_code': u'US',
               u'latitude': 37.386,
               u'longitude': -122.0838,
               u'postal_code': u'94040',
               u'province': u'California',
               u'registered_country': u'United States',
               u'registered_country_code': u'US',
               u'timezone': u'America/Los_Angeles'},
 u'metadata': {},
 u'protocols': [u'53/dns'],
 u'tags': [],
 u'updated_at': u'2016-06-02T06:50:30+00:00'}

Listing example of fields we only want to dump in the records

$ censys_io.py -f list

Export to disk sites frontpage containing "Hacked by" in their title

$ censys_io.py --html-title "Hacked by" --limit 20 --html
Number of results: 1044   Title: Hacked By                                  SSL:                                              AS: SSDHOSTING, (201534)                Loc: CY /                     OS: Unix       Tags: pop3, ftp, http, pop3s, smtp, imap, imaps    Title: Hacked By M.e-dz – Hacked By M.e-dz  SSL:                                              AS: DIGITALOCEAN-ASN (14061)            Loc: US / New York            OS: Ubuntu     Tags: http, ssh  Title: hacked by suliman_hacker – hack[...] SSL:                                              AS: Telmex Colombia S.A., CO (10620)    Loc: CO /                     OS: Ubuntu     Tags: http   Title: Hacked By NorilaClasse | Hacked By No[...] SSL:                                              AS: CODERO-DFW (18501)                  Loc: US / Overland Park       OS: Ubuntu     Tags: ftp, http, ssh     Title: Hacked by bl4ck_cod3 | Hacked by bl4c[...] SSL: www.phliworldwide.com                        AS: UNIFIEDLAYER-AS-1 (46606)           Loc: US / Provo               OS: N/A        Tags: pop3, ftp, http, ssh, https, pop3s, imap, imaps Title: Hacked by Ashura - Hacked by Ashura        SSL: rohc.ro + rohc.ro+                           AS: GTSCE (5588)                        Loc: RO /                     OS: N/A        Tags: pop3, ftp, http, https, pop3s, imap, imaps   Title: Hacked by ZeDaN-Mrx | Hacked by ZeDaN-Mrx  SSL:                                              AS: SELECTEL, (49505)                   Loc: RU /                     OS: Ubuntu     Tags: http, ssh  Title: Hacked By DeathCreppy Death-Stalkers [...] SSL: technology4vision.com + technology4vision.com+AS: PEER1 (13768)                       Loc: US / Atlanta             OS: N/A        Tags: pop3, ftp, http, ssh, https, pop3s, imap, imaps  Title: Hacked by zakiloup – Hacked by [...] SSL: savilerowtailors.ca + savilerowtailors.ca+   AS: OVH, (16276)                        Loc: US / Anaheim             OS: N/A        Tags: pop3, ftp, http, ssh, https, imap, imaps    Title: Hacked by CoLDHaCKeR , Hacked by Sensi     SSL:                                              AS: E-GATE-COMMUNICATIONS (13657)       Loc: CA / Toronto             OS: FreeBSD    Tags: ftp, http    Title: Hacked by Ashura | Hacked by Ashura        SSL: e-techdevelopment.ro + e-techdevelopment.ro+ AS: GTSCE (5588)                        Loc: RO /                     OS: N/A        Tags: pop3, ftp, http, https, pop3s, imap, imaps Title: Hacked by Ashura – Hacked by Ashura  SSL: bisericafloresti.ro + bisericafloresti.ro+   AS: GTSCE (5588)                        Loc: RO /                     OS: N/A        Tags: pop3, ftp, http, https, pop3s, imap, imaps   Title: Hacked By $!R05                            SSL:                                              AS: TELKOMNET-AS2-AP (17974)            Loc: ID / Magelang            OS: N/A        Tags: http, ssh    Title: Hacked by Katib                            SSL: pureinternet.com.au + pureinternet.com.au+   AS: PRIVATESYSTEMS (63410)              Loc: US / Los Angeles         OS: N/A        Tags: pop3, ftp, http, https, pop3s, imap, imaps  Title: Hacked By GHoST61                          SSL: www.snakeoil.dom                             AS: ASN852 (852)                        Loc: CA /                     OS: Unix       Tags: ftp, dhe-export, rsa-export, http, https  Title: HaCKeD By PoLoNia WwW.NeTSaW.OrG           SSL:                                              AS: ADVANCEDHOSTERS-AS, (39572)         Loc: US /                     OS: Unix       Tags: ftp, http, ssh   Title: Hacked By #nof34rPT                        SSL: *.opentransfer.com + *.opentransfer.com+     AS: OPENTRANSFER-ECOMMERCE (32392)      Loc: US / Columbus            OS: N/A        Tags: ftp, http, https   Title: Hacked By Cyb3r Gl@diat0rs                 SSL:                                              AS: HETZNER-AS, (24940)                 Loc: DE /                     OS: Debian     Tags: http, ssh Title: Hacked by Mr.Sh4hz3b-HaXoR                 SSL:                                              AS: INTERSVYAZ-AS (8369)                Loc: RU / Kurgan              OS: N/A        Tags: http  Title:  HaCked By virus3033                       SSL:                                              AS: NEXCESS-NET (36444)                 Loc: US / Redwood City        OS: N/A        Tags: ftp, http

We then can browse /tmp/tmpx5HjqB like in

Content is available in key '80.http.get.body' and saved to disk for offline analysis. Beware of malicious content that could be viewed from the browser. No filtering is done on the content stored on disk.

Use tags provided by censys scanner to look at servers that need to be secured

$ censys_io.py --tags heartbleed --report location.country.raw
Number of results: 213034
46565     United States
26009     China
12383     Germany
8138      India
8004      Russia
6471      United Kingdom
6111      France
5817      Italy
5387      Republic of Korea
5257      Japan

But what the heck, you want to hack the planet?!

Well, I use this great OSINT source for my assignments sometime when I want to show the client his internet exposure, or for bug bounties to do landscape discovery. This is as well a good example to show that port scanning is not evil and help to increase security posture awareness.