Genetic Algorithm for solving optimization of trading strategies using Gekko
node >= 7.x.x required!
- git clone
- cd gekkoga
- npm install
- cp config/sample-config.js config/your-config.js
- modify your-config.js make sure you have data for currency/asset pair and the daterange
- node run.js -c config/your-config.js
tmux usage:
- sudo apt-get install tmux
- tmux new -s gekkoga
- go to the web folder in your gekko installation (gekko/web)
- node –max-old-space-size=8192 server.js (for macos: --max_old_space_size=8192)
- hold CTRL and press b, then press % (to split the screen)
- goto your gekkoga clone directory
- node run.js -c config/your-config.js
- hold CTRL and press b, then hit d (to detach and run in the background)
- tmux attach -t gekkoga (to reattach and bring gekkoga to foreground)