

<!-- Use the context of other files to complete here -->



knowledgegpt is designed to gather information from various sources, including the internet and local data, which can be used to create prompts. These prompts can then be utilized by OpenAI's GPT-3 model to generate answers that are subsequently stored in a database for future reference.

To accomplish this, the text is first transformed into a fixed-size vector using either open source or OpenAI models. When a query is submitted, the text is also transformed into a vector and compared to the stored knowledge embeddings. The most relevant information is then selected and used to generate a prompt context.

knowledgegpt supports various information sources including websites, PDFs, PowerPoint files (PPTX), and documents (Docs). Additionally, it can extract text from YouTube subtitles and audio (using speech-to-text technology) and use it as a source of information. This allows for a diverse range of information to be gathered and used for generating prompts and answers.

Pypi Link: https://pypi.org/project/knowledgegpt/


  1. PyPI installation, run in terminal: pip install knowledgegpt

  2. Or you can use the latest version from the repository: pip install -r requirements.txt and then pip install .

  3. Download needed language model for parsing: python3 -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

How to use

Restful API

uvicorn server:app --reload

Set Your API Key

  1. Go to OpenAI > Account > Api Keys
  2. Create new screet key and copy
  3. Enter the key to example_config.py

How to use the library

# Import the library
from knowledgegpt.extractors.web_scrape_extractor import WebScrapeExtractor

# Import OpenAI and Set the API Key
import openai
from example_config import SECRET_KEY 
openai.api_key = SECRET_KEY

# Define target website
url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombard_(weapon)"

# Initialize the WebScrapeExtractor
scrape_website = WebScrapeExtractor( url=url, embedding_extractor="hf", model_lang="en")

# Prompt the OpenAI Model
answer, prompt, messages = scrape_website.extract(query="What is a bombard?",max_tokens=300,  to_save=True, mongo_client=db)

# See the answer

# Output: 'A bombard is a type of large cannon used during the 14th to 15th centuries.'

Other examples can be found in the examples folder. But to give a better idea of how to use the library, here is a simple example:

# Basic Usage
basic_extractor = BaseExtractor(df)
answer, prompt, messages = basic_extractor.extract("What is the title of this PDF?", max_tokens=300)
# PDF Extraction
pdf_extractor = PDFExtractor( pdf_file_path, extraction_type="page", embedding_extractor="hf", model_lang="en")
answer, prompt, messages = pdf_extractor.extract(query, max_tokens=1500)
# PPTX Extraction
ppt_extractor = PowerpointExtractor(file_path=ppt_file_path, embedding_extractor="hf", model_lang="en")
answer, prompt, messages = ppt_extractor.extract( query,max_tokens=500)
# DOCX Extraction
docs_extractor = DocsExtractor(file_path="../example.docx", embedding_extractor="hf", model_lang="en", is_turbo=False)
answer, prompt, messages = \
    docs_extractor.extract( query="What is an object detection system?", max_tokens=300)
# Extraction from Youtube video (audio)
scrape_yt_audio = YoutubeAudioExtractor(video_id=url, model_lang='tr', embedding_extractor='hf')
answer, prompt, messages = scrape_yt_audio.extract( query=query, max_tokens=1200)

# Extraction from Youtube video (transcript)
scrape_yt_subs = YTSubsExtractor(video_id=url, embedding_extractor='hf', model_lang='en')
answer, prompt, messages = scrape_yt_subs.extract( query=query, max_tokens=1200)

Docker Usage

docker build -t knowledgegptimage .
docker run -p 8888:8888 knowledgegptimage

How to contribute

  1. Open an issue
  2. Fork the repo
  3. Create a new branch
  4. Make your changes
  5. Create a pull request



( To be extended...)

System Architecture

<!-- ![System Architecture](static_files/Knowledge-ex.png) -->

(To be updated with a better image)