Babel plugin for static and runtime type checking using Flow and tcomb.
Flow is a static type checker for JavaScript.
tcomb is a library for Node.js and the browser which allows you to check the types of JavaScript values at runtime with a simple and concise syntax. It's great for Domain Driven Design and for adding safety to your internal code.
Runtime type checking (tcomb)
- you don't want or you can't use
- you want refinement types
- you want to validate the IO boundary (for example API payloads)
- you want to enforce immutability
- you want to leverage the runtime type introspection provided by
's types
Static type checking (Flow)
is Flow
compatible, this means that you can run them side by side, statically checking your code with Flow
and let tcomb
catching the remaining bugs at runtime.
Gentle migration path
You can add type safety to your untyped codebase gradually:
- first, add type annotations where you think they are most useful, file by file, leveraging the runtime type safety provided by
- then, when you feel comfortable, turn on
and unleash the power of static type checking - third, for even more type safety, define your refinement types and validate the IO boundary
Here you can find a fork of this plugin that provides the following additional features:
- Avoid checks on confident assignment
- Bounded polymorphism partial support
checks- Assignment type checking
First, install via npm.
npm install --save-dev tcomb
npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-tcomb
Then, in your babel configuration (usually in your .babelrc
file), add (at least) the following plugins:
"plugins" : [
Note. syntax-flow
and transform-flow-strip-types
are already included with the React Preset.
Note. Use Babel's env option to only use this plugin in development.
Warning. If you use multiple presets and are experiencing issues, try tweaking the preset order and setting passPerPreset: true
. Related issues: #78 #99
Important. tcomb
must be require
Plugin configuration
skipAsserts?: boolean = false
Removes the asserts and keeps the domain models
warnOnFailure?: boolean = false
Warns (console.warn
) about type mismatch instead of throwing an error
globals?: Array<Object>
With this option you can handle global types, like Class
or react SyntheticEvent
"plugins" : [
["tcomb", {
globals: [
// flow
'Class': true
// react
'SyntheticEvent': true,
// your custom global types (if any)
Definition files
Definition files for tcomb
and tcomb-react
are temporarily published here.
must berequire
able- type parameters (aka generics) are not handled (
's responsibility)
How it works
First, add type annotations.
// index.js
function sum(a: number, b: number) {
return a + b
sum(1, 'a') // <= typo
Then run Flow
(static type checking):
7: sum(1, 'a')
^^^^^^^^^^^ function call
7: sum(1, 'a')
^^^ string. This type is incompatible with
3: function sum(a: number, b: number) {
^^^^^^ number
or refresh your browser and look at the console (runtime type checking):
Uncaught TypeError: [tcomb] Invalid value "a" supplied to b: Number
Domain models
// index.js
type Person = {
name: string, // required string
surname?: string, // optional string
age: number,
tags: Array<string>
function getFullName(person: Person) {
return `${} ${person.surname}`
getFullName({ surname: 'Canti' })
14: getFullName({
^ function call
10: function getFullName(person: Person) {
^^^^^^ property `name`. Property not found in
14: getFullName({
^ object literal
TypeError: [tcomb] Invalid value undefined supplied to person: Person/name: String
In order to define refinement types you can use the $Refinement
type, providing a predicate identifier:
import type { $Refinement } from 'tcomb'
// define your predicate...
const isInteger = n => n % 1 === 0
// ...and pass it to the suitable intersection type
type Integer = number & $Refinement<typeof isInteger>;
function foo(n: Integer) {
return n
foo(2) // flow ok, tcomb ok
foo(2.1) // flow ok, tcomb throws [tcomb] Invalid value 2.1 supplied to n: Integer
foo('a') // flow throws, tcomb throws
In order to enable this feature add the tcomb
definition file to the [libs]
section of your .flowconfig
Runtime type introspection
Check out the meta object in the tcomb documentation.
import type { $Reify } from 'tcomb'
type Person = { name: string };
const ReifiedPerson = (({}: any): $Reify<Person>)
console.log(ReifiedPerson.meta) // => { kind: 'interface', props: ... }
In order to enable this feature add the tcomb
definition file to the [libs]
section of your .flowconfig
Validating (at runtime) the IO boundary using typecasts
type User = { name: string };
export function loadUser(userId: string): Promise<User> {
return axios.get('...').then(p => (p: User)) // <= type cast
Recursive types
Just add a // recursive
comment on top:
// recursive
type Path = {
node: Node,
parentPath: Path
Type-checking Redux
import { createStore } from 'redux'
// types
type State = number;
type ReduxInitAction = { type: '@@redux/INIT' };
type Action = ReduxInitAction
| { type: 'INCREMENT', delta: number }
| { type: 'DECREMENT', delta: number };
function reducer(state: State = 0, action: Action): State {
switch(action.type) {
case 'INCREMENT' :
return state +
case 'DECREMENT' :
return state -
return state
type Store = {
dispatch: (action: Action) => any;
const store: Store = createStore(reducer)
store.dispatch({ type: 'INCREMEN', delta: 1 }) // <= typo
// throws [tcomb] Invalid value { "type": "INCREMEN", "delta": 1 } supplied to action: Action
// Flow throws as well
Type-checking React using tcomb-react
See tcomb-react:
// @flow
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { props } from 'tcomb-react'
type Props = {
name: string
class Hello extends React.Component<void, Props, void> {
render() {
return <div>Hello {}</div>
ReactDOM.render(<Hello />, document.getElementById('app'))
will throw:
12: class Hello extends React.Component<void, Props, void> {
^^^^^ property `name`. Property not found in
19: ReactDOM.render(<Hello />, document.getElementById('app'))
^^^^^^^^^ props of React element `Hello`
while tcomb-react
will warn:
Warning: Failed propType: [tcomb] Invalid prop "name" supplied to Hello, should be a String.
Detected errors (1):
1. Invalid value undefined supplied to String
Additional babel configuration:
"presets": ["react", "es2015"],
"passPerPreset": true,
"plugins" : [
In order to enable this feature add the tcomb-react
definition file to the [libs]
section of your .flowconfig
Also you may want to set esproposal.decorators=ignore
in the [options]
section of your .flowconfig
Without decorators
// @flow
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { propTypes } from 'tcomb-react'
import type { $Reify } from 'tcomb'
type Props = {
name: string
class Hello extends React.Component<void, Props, void> {
render() {
return <div>Hello {}</div>
Hello.propTypes = propTypes((({}: any): $Reify<Props>))
ReactDOM.render(<Hello />, document.getElementById('app'))
Under the hood
type MyString = string;
type MyNumber = number;
type MyBoolean = boolean;
type MyVoid = void;
type MyNull = null;
compiles to
import _t from "tcomb";
const MyString = _t.String;
const MyNumber = _t.Number;
const MyBoolean = _t.Boolean;
const MyVoid = _t.Nil;
const MyNull = _t.Nil;
const x: number = 1
compiles to
const x = _assert(x, _t.Number, "x");
Note: let
s are not supported.
function sum(a: number, b: number): number {
return a + b
compiles to
import _t from "tcomb";
function sum(a, b) {
_assert(a, _t.Number, "a");
_assert(b, _t.Number, "b");
const ret = function (a, b) {
return a + b;
}.call(this, a, b);
_assert(ret, _t.Number, "return value");
return ret;
where _assert
is an helper function injected by babel-plugin-tcomb
Type aliases
type Person = {
name: string,
surname: ?string,
age: number,
tags: Array<string>
compiles to
import _t from "tcomb";
const Person = _t.interface({
name: _t.String,
surname: _t.maybe(_t.String),
age: _t.Number,
tags: _t.list(_t.String)
}, "Person");