

Neural3DMM architecture

Project Abstract

Generative models for 3D geometric data arise in many important applications in 3D computer vision and graphics. In this paper, we focus on 3D deformable shapes that share a common topological structure, such as human faces and bodies. Morphable Models and their variants, despite their linear formulation, have been widely used for shape representation, while most of the recently proposed nonlinear approaches resort to intermediate representations, such as 3D voxel grids or 2D views. In this work, we introduce a novel graph convolutional operator, acting directly on the 3D mesh, that explicitly models the inductive bias of the fixed underlying graph. This is achieved by enforcing consistent local orderings of the vertices of the graph, through the spiral operator, thus breaking the permutation invariance property that is adopted by all the prior work on Graph Neural Networks. Our operator comes by construction with desirable properties (anisotropic, topology-aware, lightweight, easy-to-optimise), and by using it as a building block for traditional deep generative architectures, we demonstrate state-of-the-art results on a variety of 3D shape datasets compared to the linear Morphable Model and other graph convolutional operators.

Arxiv link

Repository Requirements

This code was written in Pytorch 1.1. We use tensorboardX for the visualisation of the training metrics. We recommend setting up a virtual environment using Miniconda. To install Pytorch in a conda environment, simply run

$ conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch

Then the rest of the requirements can be installed with

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Mesh Decimation

For the mesh decimation code we use a function from the COMA repository (the files mesh_sampling.py and shape_data.py - previously facemesh.py - were taken from the COMA repo and adapted to our needs). In order to decimate your template mesh, you will need the MPI-Mesh package (a mesh library similar to Trimesh or Open3D). This package requires Python 2. However once you have cached the generated downsampling and upsampling matrices, it is possible to run the rest of the code with Python 3 as well, if necessary.

Data Organization

The following is the organization of the dataset directories expected by the code:


Data preprocessing

In order to use a pytorch dataloader for training and testing, we split the data into seperate files by:

$ python data_generation.py --root_dir=/path/to/data_root_dir --dataset=DFAUST --num_valid=100

Training and Testing

For training and testing of the mesh autoencoder, we provide an ipython notebook, which you can run with

$ jupyter notebook neural3dmm.ipynb

The first time you run the code, it will check if the downsampling matrices are cached (calculating the downsampling and upsampling matrices takes a few minutes), and then the spirals will be calculated on the template (spiral_utils.py file).

In the 2nd cell of the notebook one can specify their directories, hyperparameters (sizes of the filters, optimizer) etc. All this information is stored in a dictionary named args that is used throughout the rest of the code. In order to run the notebook in train or test mode, simply set:

args['mode'] = 'train' or 'test'

Some important notes:


Please consider citing our work if you find it useful:

    author = {Bouritsas, Giorgos and Bokhnyak, Sergiy and Ploumpis, Stylianos and Bronstein, Michael and Zafeiriou, Stefanos},
    title = {Neural 3D Morphable Models: Spiral Convolutional Networks for 3D Shape Representation Learning and Generation},
    booktitle   = {The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
    year        = {2019}