


The simple-360-player is a Javascript library that aims to provide a tool to easily create and integrate 360 video player in your web pages.


The fastest way to use our player is to add this repository as a dependency of your package.json dependency field:

npm install --save git+ssh://git@github.com/gbentaieb/simple-360-player.git

You can then either use directly the dist/simple-360-player.js file:

<script src="node_modules/simple-360-player/dist/simple-360-player.js"></script>

Or with tools like Browserify or Webpack you can import the player as a CommonJS or AMD dependency.


Import the Simple360Player class:

import Simple360Player from 'simple-360-player'; // ES6

If you are using the dist directly, you can access this class like this:

var Simple360Player = Simple360Player.default;

Create and initiate a player instance:

window.player = new Simple360Player(container); // container is an HTML container for the 360 player

Then, you can use the video element to, for instance, setup the source, and launch the 360 rendering process:

window.player.videoElement.src = "url-of-your-file-here"; // cross domain will not work!

video is controlled through player.videoElement element.

To properly clear the player, call:



To launch the demo yourself, run make demo and start a local webserver from the root directory of the repository. For instance:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 # open http://localhost:8080/demo

N.B: do not forget to add a video file called test.mp4 in the demo repository. This will be the file played by our player.



A build is directly included at dist/simple-360-player.js directory if you don't want to build it yourself.

To bundle the application yourself, we use make. The important task to know:

make clean
# build dist/simple-360-player.js
make build
# build dist/simple-360-player.min.js
make min
# build and watch file change for rebuild
make dev
# lint the code
make lint

Target support

For now, this works with Chrome (desktop + mobile), Firefox, and Edge

Other Infos

If you want to play 360 Dash or HLS videos, you can by using this package and one of those two awesome projects: