


Usenti is a simple bitmap editor for paletted images, it is the result of me being completely fed up with the lack of any palette support in Paint, and finding the bigger photo applications a little too big for comfort. The basic toolset is very similar to MS-Paint, but often less annoying. The various palette/color manipulation tools like the palette-bar palette swapper, and variable zooms and gridlines can make drawing basic things a lot easier.

The main drive for Usenti has always been for use in GBA development. As such, it has a good exporter to GBA-usable formats. The same one as in grit in fact, so I'll refer you to that for further details.

This page is an historical archive maintained by gbadev.net. The tool was originally published over https://www.coranac.com/projects/#usenti, now offline.




Current version: 1.7.10.