

Gatling Plugin for Gradle

<picture><source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://docs.gatling.io/images/logo-gatling.svg"><img src="https://docs.gatling.io/images/logo-gatling-noir.svg" alt="Gatling" width="50%"></picture>

Workflow Status (main) License Gatling Community

[!WARNING] The documentation now lives on the Gatling website and can be found here.

Dev testing

To manually test this plugin in a sample project, see the Gradle documentation.

With IncludeBuild

Note that the test project must use Gradle 7.1 or later for includeBuild within pluginManagement to work.

Steps to be able to dev test this plugin:

  1. Clone this project

  2. In a separate directory, create a toy project with a file called settings.gradle containing:

    includeBuild "<path/to>/gatling-gradle-plugin"
  3. And a file called build.gradle containing:

    plugins {
      id "io.gatling.gradle"
    repositories {
    sourceCompatibility = 1.8
    targetCompatibility = 1.8

With maven-publish plugin

To publish locally, you need to enable maven-publish plugin, add a version and a group. In build.gradle:

plugins {
  id 'maven-publish'
version '42.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
group 'io.gatling'

You can do a gradle publishToMavenLocal to publish a snapshot version to your local maven repository.

To use this local plugin in your project:

pluginManagement {
  repositories {