py-summarizer is an API that utilizes natural language processing to summarize input text.
Running Tests
To run tests for py-summarizer, follow these commands:
docker-compose exec web python -m pytest
To disable warnings, run:
docker-compose exec web python -m pytest -p no:warnings
To run only the last failed tests, execute:
docker-compose exec web python -m pytest --lf
To run only the tests with names that match a particular string expression, use:
docker-compose exec web python -m pytest -k "summary and not test_read_summary"
To stop the test session after the first failure, run:
docker-compose exec web python -m pytest -x
If you want to enter PDB after the first failure then end the test session, run:
docker-compose exec web python -m pytest -x --pdb
To stop the test run after two failures, execute:
docker-compose exec web python -m pytest --maxfail=2
To show local variables in tracebacks, use:
docker-compose exec web python -m pytest -l
To list the 2 slowest tests, run:
docker-compose exec web python -m pytest --durations=2
Please note that docker-compose is required to run the tests.