


Orbit Logo

<p align="center"><a href="https://apps.apple.com/au/app/orbitals/id1620464132">App Store Link</a></p>


Orbit is a fun sandbox to explore the effects of Newtonian Gravity and learn a bit of physics along the way. Made for my Apple Scholarship submission in 2022, the app is an interactive playground made to build curiosity through play. As stated in my submission essay:

When I was younger, I discovered a website called Chaotic Planets, which demonstrates the emergence of chaos theory in the stars, using a playground-like website to develop an understanding of Newtonian Gravity. This website stimulated my 8-year-old brain to no end, not only inspiring awe at the beauty of these stable orbits, but also giving me a strong baseline understanding of physics by encouraging play and curiosity, which drove me to my current love of programming I have today. <br><br>With this year's Swift Student Challenge, I looked back at what first got me into STEM, utilising the help of Apple's various technologies and platforms to bring back that wonder to a new stage for others to experience.

Technlogies Used

SwiftUI, SceneKit, ARKit, Combine


If you'd just like to run the app, I'd recommend downloading from the app store link above. If not, you can open up Swift Student Challenge 2022.swiftpm in either Xcode (MacOS) or Swift Playgrounds (iPadOS) to edit the contents and fiddle with the code. Have fun!


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