


Mpv's image scaling user shader bsed on jinc, similar to mpv's built in ewa or polar scaler.

Chroma folder contains shaders for upscaling chroma only
Luma folder contains shaders for upscaling and downscaling luma only

jincUpscale is optimised for and only does upscaling
jincUpscaleUnsharp is optimised for and only does upscaling, also provides unsharp mask
jincUpscaleHDR is optimised for and only does upscaling; HDR version
jincUpscaleUnsharpHDR is optimised for and only does upscaling, also provides unsharp mask; HDR version
jincDownscale is optimised for and only does downscaling
jincDownscaleUnsharp is optimised for and only does downscaling, also provides unsharp mask
jincDownscaleGaussian is optimised for and only does downscaling, also provides gaussian blur
jincDownscaleGaussianUnsharp is optimised for and only does downscaling, also provides gaussian blur and unsharp mask



For better understanding of these settings see research https://github.com/garamond13/Finding-the-best-methods-for-image-scaling

Kernel function (K)

Which kernel function to use for calculation of kernel weights. See "KERNEL functions LIST" inside the shader for available kernel functions.

Kernel radius (R)

Kernel radius determines the kernel size, which is ceil(2 * kernel radius)^2 when upsampling (upscale) or ceil(2 * kernel radius * downscale ratio * antialiasing amount)^2 when downsampling (downscale).

Kernel blur (B)

Effectively values smaller than 1 sharpen the kernel and values larger than 1 blur the kernel, 1 is neutral or no effect. Only affects widowed sinc kernels.

Antiringing (AR) (Only for upscale)

Reduces ringing artifacts.

Antialiasing (AA) (Only for downscale)

Effectively trades between aliasing and ringing artifacts. The default value is 1.0.

Kernel functions parameters (P1) and (P2)

Some kernel functions take additional parameters, they are set here.
See references for:
COSINE (power of cosine) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Window_function#Power-of-sine/cosine_windows
GARAMOND (power of garamond) - https://github.com/garamond13/power-of-garamond-window
BLACKMAN (power of blackman) - https://github.com/garamond13/power-of-blackman
GNW (generalized normal window) - https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6638833
SAID - https://www.hpl.hp.com/techreports/2007/HPL-2007-179.pdf
FSR (modified fsr kernel, based on https://github.com/GPUOpen-Effects/FidelityFX-FSR) - for referernce see the research above
BCSPLINE - https://www.cs.utexas.edu/~fussell/courses/cs384g-fall2013/lectures/mitchell/Mitchell.pdf

Sigmoidal curve settings (C) and (M) (Only for upscale and not part of HDR versions)

Contrast C is equivalent to mpv's --sigmoid-slope and midpoint M is equivalent to mpv's --sigmoid-center.

Gaussian blur and unsharp mask (Only for gaussian and unsharp versions)

Blur spread or amount (S)

Gaussian blur sigma value, controls the blur intensity and how much it will be spread accros the blur kernel.

Blur kernel radius (R)

Determines how many neighboring pixels will contribute to the blurred value of the center pixel inside the blur kernel.

Sharpening amount (A) (Only for unsharp versions)

Sharpening amount or strenght.