


HFXBus is a bus implementation for NodeJS backed by Redis Streams and PubSub.

It's simple and effective to achieve high performance event-sourcing environment and microservice communication.

npm install --save hfxbus


This project was rewritten in Typescript on v2, if you're running v1 and need reference please visit the branch v1. The v2+ still defined as RC and will only achieve GA when we finish the tests for HFXBus v2.

How it works

HFXBus uses Redis Streams to enqueue messages and groups to consume messages, but these streams only controls the flow of messages to make the processing lighweight in networking and memory/CPU aspects. All payload is stored as regular Redis keys and it's up to your endpoints decide which keys need to be loaded/created.

Redis PubSub is used to emit events happening to messages like when a message is consumed, so your endpoints have feedback about messages events.

And finally, with XTRIM you can keep your Redis server memory utilization low and with XCLAIM improve your (micro)services redundancy/resilience. We implemented the command XRETRY using Lua Scripting to achieve a reliable way to retry stalled out messages.

Client side partitioning

HFXBus provides client side partitioning through the method ConnectionManager.nodes(), but you need to be aware of the following points:

This feature was designed to work with the following architecture:

client side partitioning

Distributed routing

To really scale Redis horizontally using the architecture above HFXBus provides a routing method named "distributed routing":

But there are tradeoffs with this method:

Quick Start

First, setup a Redis running at (you can use docker). And then create a consumer.ts file with the following content:

import { ConnectionManager, Consumer } from 'hfxbus';

const connection = ConnectionManager.standalone({
  port: 6379,
  host: ''

const consumer = new Consumer(connection, { group: 'worldConcat' });

  stream: 'concat',
  processor: async (job) => {
    console.log(`Received job: ${job.id}`);

    const {
    } = await job.get('inbound', false).del('inbound').pull();

    console.log(`Received inbound: ${inbound}`);

    await job.set('outbound', `${inbound} world!`).push();

    console.log('Job consumed');


consumer.play().then(() => {
  console.log(`Consumer is waiting for jobs (consumer id is ${consumer.id})`);
}).catch((error) => console.error(error));

And another file as producer.ts:

import { ConnectionManager, Producer } from 'hfxbus';

const connection = ConnectionManager.standalone({
  port: 6379,
  host: ''

const producer = new Producer(connection);

const execute = async () => {
  await producer.listen();

  console.log(`Producer is listening for messages (producer id is ${producer.id})`);

  const job = producer.job();

  console.log(`Created job: ${job.id}`);

  await job.set('inbound', 'Hello').push();

  await producer.send({
    stream: 'concat',
    waitFor: [

  console.log(`Sent job: ${job.id}`);
  await job.finished();

  console.log(`Finished job: ${job.id}`);

  const {
  } = await job.get('outbound', false).del('outbound').pull();

  console.log(`Outbound is: ${outbound}`);


execute().catch((error) => console.error(error));

Remember to start consumer.ts before producer.ts as by default consumer will receive only new jobs, you can change this behavior, take a look at the API Documentation.

API Documentation

Your can learn more about HFXBus API clicking here.

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