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Non-strict parsing, composition, and wildcard matching of URLs in JavaScript.


Fuzzyurl provides two related functions: non-strict parsing of URLs or URL-like strings into their component pieces (protocol, username, password, hostname, port, path, query, and fragment), and fuzzy matching of URLs and URL patterns.

Specifically, URLs that look like this:

[protocol ://] [username [: password] @] [hostname] [: port] [/ path] [? query] [# fragment]

Fuzzyurls can be constructed using some or all of the above fields, optionally replacing some or all of those fields with a * wildcard if you wish to use the Fuzzyurl as a URL mask.


For Node.js projects, place the following in package.json's dependencies object:

"fuzzyurl": "~> 0.9.0"

For in-browser usage:

<script src="path/to/fuzzyurl.min.js"></script>

Parsing URLs

> Fuzzyurl.fromString("https://api.example.com/users/123?full=true")
Fuzzyurl {
  protocol: 'https',
  username: undefined,
  password: undefined,
  hostname: 'api.example.com',
  port: undefined,
  path: '/users/123',
  query: 'full=true',
  fragment: undefined }

Constructing URLs

> var f = new Fuzzyurl({hostname: "example.com", protocol: "http", port: "8080"});
> f.toString()

Matching URLs

Fuzzyurl supports wildcard matching:

Path and hostname matching allows the use of a greedier wildcard ** in addition to the naive wildcard *:

The Fuzzyurl.mask function aids in the creation of URL masks.

> Fuzzyurl.mask()
Fuzzyurl { protocol: '*', username: '*', password: '*', hostname: '*',
  port: '*', path: '*', query: '*', fragment: '*' }

> Fuzzyurl.matches(Fuzzyurl.mask(), "http://example.com:8080/foo/bar")

> var mask = Fuzzyurl.mask({path: "/a/b/**"})
> Fuzzyurl.matches(mask, "https://example.com/a/b/")
> Fuzzyurl.matches(mask, "git+ssh://jen@example.com/a/b")
> Fuzzyurl.matches(mask, "https://example.com/a/bar")

Fuzzyurl.bestMatch, given a list of URL masks and a URL, will return the given mask which most closely matches the URL:

> var masks = ["/foo/*", "/foo/bar", Fuzzyurl.mask()];
> Fuzzyurl.bestMatch(masks, "http://example.com/foo/bar");

If you'd prefer the array index of the matching mask, use Fuzzyurl.bestMatchIndex instead:

> Fuzzyurl.bestMatchIndex(masks, "http://example.com/foo/bar");


Many thanks to the people who've sent pull requests and improved this code:

Authorship and License

Fuzzyurl is copyright 2015-2016, Pete Gamache.

Fuzzyurl is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt.

If you got this far, you should probably follow me on Twitter: @gamache