SBT Schema Registry Plugin
Sbt plugin for download schemas from schema registry. This plugin adds a new task schemaRegistryDownload
downloading schemas and some configuration parameters to declare schemas and schema registry endpoint
To activate the plugin, you need to add the following lines to your project/plugins.sbt
resolvers ++= Seq(
// this resolver needed for load plugin dependencies
"Confluent" at "",
addSbtPlugin("org.galaxio" % "sbt-schema-registry-plugin" % "<plugin-version>")
And next you need added this configuration in build.sbt
import org.galaxio.avro.RegistrySubject
val schemas = Seq(
RegistrySubject("", 2),
RegistrySubject("schema1-name", 12),
RegistrySubject("<schema-name>", <schema-version>),
val someProject = (project in file("."))
schemaRegistrySubjects ++= schemas,
schemaRegistryUrl := "http://
Then you can download schemes listed in schemaRegistrySubjects
from schema registry by url from schemaRegistryUrl
with help a task schemaRegistryDownload
sbt schemaRegistryDownload
To configure the plugin to interact with the schema registry the following parameters are used
Parameter | Description | Default value |
schemaRegistrySubjects | list schema subjects name with version | Seq() |
schemaRegistryUrl | url of schema registry | http://locahost:8081 |
schemaRegistryTargetFolder | Output directory for dowloading schemas | ./src/main/avro |