

Roarr Browser Log Writer

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Roarr log writer for use in a web browser.

Chrome Console


Import the initialization code anywhere in your codebase, e.g.

import {
} from '@roarr/browser-log-writer';

globalThis.ROARR = globalThis.ROARR ?? {};
globalThis.ROARR.write = createLogWriter();

Alternatively, import @roarr/browser-log-writer/init, which is equivalent to the above code.

import '@roarr/browser-log-writer/init';

If you are using Webpack, then consider using lazy loading, e.g.


Displaying Logs

Logs are produced using console.log. However, by default, no logs are printed.

The simplest way to view all logs is to define ROARR_LOG=true localStorage value, i.e.

Type in console localStorage.setItem('ROARR_LOG', 'true') and refresh the page. Now you should see all the logs.

Filtering Logs

By default all logs are displayed. However, you can narrow down logs using a special constant ROARR_FILTER.

The value of ROARR_FILTER is a Liqe query, e.g.

# Only print logs with `context.logLevel` greater than 10.
localStorage.setItem('ROARR_FILTER', 'context.logLevel:>10')

# Only print logs with `context.namespace` containing "slonik".
localStorage.setItem('ROARR_FILTER', 'context.namespace:slonik')