

<h1 align='center'> Godot Version Manager </h1> <p align='center'> A command line tool to download and manage Godot versions per project </p> <br/> <div align="center"> <a href=https://github.com/gaheldev/godot-version-manager/releases/latest alt="Latest release"> <img src=https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/gaheldev/godot-version-manager> </a> </div> <br/>


✨ Features



🛠️ Installation

Download the latest release and extract it.
Install gdvm by running the install script from the extracted directory:

cd gdvm

[!NOTE] If you encounter a glibc error follow the install instructions for developers


📝 Basic usage

Run gdvm -h for advanced usage

Set a Godot version to use for current working directory

gdvm download VERSION_NUMBER
gdvm use VERSION

gdvm supports autocompletion of all arguments including all possible versions.

Alternatively you can use the interactive mode:

gdvm download
gdvm use

If you'd like to use a release other than stable, such as rc1 or dev5, you can use the --release argument:

gdvm download VERSION_NUMBER --release RELEASE
gdvm use VERSION

[!NOTE] The local version is written to .godotversion in the current working directory. Track it with git ;)


Set a managed version as system's default

gdvm use --system-default VERSION

or for the interactive mode:

gdvm use --system-default

Both running godot in the terminal or opening Godot's desktop application will point to the new installed version.

Run Godot



gdvm supports wildcards to handle multiple versions at once. For example to remove all versions starting with 4.1:

gdvm remove "4.1*"

While the "" may not always be necessary, they're recommended to avoid clashing with bash wildcard. Alternatively it is also possible to escape it with \*. For example to self-contain all installed versions:

gdvm config --self-contain \*


⌨️ Development

Set up the development environment

[!IMPORTANT] python > 3.11 is required. If necessary, install it from your package manager as well as pip for Python 3.

<!--- Seems unnecessary The package uses `argcomplete` to autocomplete arguments. Install it on your system using: ``` # on Ubuntu sudo apt install python3-argcomplete sudo activate-global-python-argcomplete ``` --->

Clone git repo

git clone https://github.com/gaheldev/godot-version-manager.git
cd godot-version-manager

Set up virtualenv (recommended)

We use virtualenv to create an environment with controlled python package versions.

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Make sure to run source venv/bin/activate before working on the project. <br> Run deactivate to deactivate the virtualenv.

Install gdvm on your system

make install

Git hooks

[!WARNING] this will delete any pre-commit hook you already created

To automatically run tests before commits we use a pre-commit hook:

make hook

[!WARNING] if a hook has been changed by you or someone else, you need to run make hook again


Tests are located in the tests/ folder of the project. All test files should be named 'test_*.py' or '*_test.py'.

Run make tests in the project's root directory to run all tests.


Releases are automatically built on github when a tag v*.*.* is pushed by one of the commands:

make patch-release
make minor-release
make major-release


For a detailed profiling, use cProfile on main.py from the root directory, for example:

python -m cProfile main.py list > profiling.txt

For a basic profiling you can use the time utility:

time gdvm list