


codemill helps with the creation of codeql models for Go.

You build a spec of a module in a browser-based UI, adding models and selectors to it, and then it generates the corresponding codeql and go code.

Currently supported codeql models


You can install codemill cloning this repo and running make install; you need Go < 1.16.

NOTE: Go 1.16 will be supported soon (WIP).

Example generated code

You can see an example of what codemill can generate here: https://github.com/github/codeql-go/pull/438/files

Example: gin

# Welcome to a `codemill` basic usage example
# First' let's create a folder for our codemill files
mkdir my-codemill && cd my-codemill
# Then we need a folder for the projects' specs
mkdir specs
# And a folder for generated files
mkdir generated
# Now we're ready for creating our first spec
# In this example I will create a very incomplete model for the gin web framework
codemill --spec=./specs/Gin.json --dir=./generated --http=true --gen=true


After that, let's open in a browser, and edit the spec.

The first model we will add to the Gin spec is an UntrustedFlowSource model, which defines sources of user-defined input:


The second model we will add to the Gin spec is a TaintTracking model, which defines taint propagation in functions and methods:


Now our spec is done, let's go back to the terminal and hit CTRL+C to close the program.

On exit, codemill will save the Gin spec we just created to specs/Gin.json, and generate codeql and go files in a timestamped folder inside the generated/ folder.