


Telegram API wrapper for micropython, built for ESP32, cannot verify support for other MCUs


Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/gabrielebarola/telegram-upy.git

upload the utelegram.py file to your board using your favourite software (i use ampy):

ampy -b 115200 -p /dev/ttyUSB0 put path/to/utelegram.py

If you don't have it install urequests via upip using repl:

import upip 


Creating the bot

from utelegram import Bot

TOKEN = 'your-bot-token-12345'

bot = Bot(TOKEN)

Bot token is provided by BotFather when creating a new bot on the telegram client

Adding command handlers

You can create functions that are triggered when a command (message starting with '/') is sent to the bot.

For example let's write a function that replies "hello" when /start is sent to the bot

def start(update):

Every function used as a handler should take the update as an argument

Adding message handlers

You can also create functions triggered when a message that matches a regular expression is sent to the bot.

If you need a regex cheat sheet you can find it here https://www.w3schools.com/python/python_regex.asp

For example let's write a function that replies "hello" when a message starting with "Hi" is sent is sent to the bot

def start(update):

The regular expression must be given to the decorator as argument

Starting the bot loop


Default delay between executions is 100mS, you can change it with:
