


The goal of the project is to be a toolkit for Stream Control Transport Protocol (SCTP) implemented in Rust. Eventually, it should be possible to have SCTP supported as well as other transport protocols like TCP, UDP in the Rust's async ecosystem.

Currently following crate is implemented -


Why this project exists? There are a few crates that support SCTP but are either not maintained or do not support Rust's async or do not have a well documented APIs (just as wrappers over C library). One major exception being the SCTP support in webrtc-rs. However this particular implementation is in active development and using it outside the project is a challenging task (as of now). Further, the support in Linux SCTP stack is matured and for other non WebRTC use cases of SCTP, mainly in signaling protocols in the telecom world (3GPP protocols like S1AP, NGAP use SCTP as a transport.), a suitable implementation is useful if not required.


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