


Build Status

A site to publish cooperative comparison table in Google Doc, using Ethercalc to host the table configuration.


Basic usage

Example: Doraemon compare table or FEPZ compare table.

Table view

Example: FEPZ compare table for agriculture

Setup a New Hacktabl

To publish a comparison table on hacktabl.org, you need:

  1. A Google doc that has a table in its content, and is shared with "anyone with link". Note that you may have to allow anyone to comment in order to make use of the google doc comments.
  2. An public webpage that explains the table to new visitors. The page will show up in a modal dialog when an user first visits your table. A published google doc or print URL of Hackpad is sufficient.
  3. Come up with a table ID, which makes up the URL of your table.

Visit http://ethercalc.org/<table-id>, you will see an empty spreadsheet. You may copy-paste the following configuration (does not include table header!) to the spreadsheet:

TITLE(Title of the table)
DOC_ID(The URL fragment between https://docs.google.com/document/d/ and /edit of the google doc that contains a table)
INFO_URL(URL to a introduction webpage)

Fill the 2nd column with the information of your table, then you are good to go. Visit http://hacktabl.org/<table-id> for your new, collaborative comparison table!

Configuration Reference

To see the settings of an existing table, say http://hacktabl.org/<table-id>, just visit http://ethercalc.org/<table-id>. To create a new hacktabl, simply create a new spreadsheet with a desired table ID in EtherCalc.

Required Settings

Optional Settings


After cloning the repository, please do the following in the repository folder:

npm install

Bower components are included in repository so there's no need to do bower install.

To start development server, please do:

npm start

And open up http://localhost:5000 to see the working website.

When developing parsers, please run unit test using:

npm run test:watch

Deploy to Github Pages

Open up Makefile and make necessary changes to variable GIT and DEPLOY_BRANCH, then execute make deploy.