

Perfectly Accurate Membership Inference by a Dishonest Central Server in Federated Learning

This code can be used to reproduce the findings in Perfectly Accurate Membership Inference by a Dishonest Central Server in Federated Learning (arXiv:2203.16463).

Jupyter Notebook


  1. Set up a Python environment that satisfies requirements.txt.
  2. Start a Jupyter Notebook in ./.
  3. Navigate to main.ipynb.
  4. Change the parameters as necessary and perform the experiment.
  5. The results are saved in output/.
  6. The same notebook main.ipynb can be used to print the results.

The original values are saved in results.orig.json and can also be explored.

Docker container

A Dockerfile is included to provide a containarized version of the code, taking care of the creation and setting up of the Python environment with all the required packages. A working Docker environment is needed. There are several tutorials for setting up a docker installation, e.g., this one. The following guide has been written for a Linux based system. Steps required to run the Jupyter Notebook in a docker container:

  1. Navigate to the folder where the Dockerfile is stored (root directory of this repository);
  2. Execute
    foo@bar:~$ DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -t dishonest_mia .
    This downloads the environment and python packages.
  3. The following command launches the container and the Jupyter notebook (since it is launced with no browser support, the information about the token is also displayed at this point):
    foo@bar:~$  docker run --network host -e port=8888 dishonest_mia
  4. Open a browser (in the local machine) and browse to http://localhost:8888. The login token can be found in the docker output.

Commandline Usage

To reproduce all results in the paper, main.py can be used:

  1. Set up a Python environment that satisfies requirements.txt.
  2. Call
    foo@bar:~$ python main.py 'optimizer=glob(*)' 'dataset=glob(*)' "param.batches=1,4,16,64,256"  # different batchsizes
    foo@bar:~$ python main.py 'optimizer=glob(*)' 'dataset=glob(*)' "param.epochs=1,2,4"           # different no. of epochs
    foo@bar:~$ python main.py 'optimizer=glob(*)' 'dataset=glob(*)' "param.top_j=1,2,8,16"         # different M
  3. Results are saved in output/.
  4. Call
    foo@bar:~$ python process.py
  5. Results are available in output/results.json. They can be explored using the main.ipynb notebook.


Files and directories

main.pyMain executable. Configuration can be found in conf/. By default, results are saved in *.json files in output/.
process.pyscript that merges the results in output/ into output/results.json.
client.pyImplements the flower-client.
dishonest_server.pyImplements the dishonest server as a flwr.flwr.server.strategy.Strategy.
util.pyUtility functions.
requirements.txtPython requirements.
results.json.origOriginal results.json.
README.mdYou are here.
workaround.pyWorkaround for a missing feature in the current flower implementation.
conf/Configuration YAML files.
DockerfileAllows to build a docker container to run jupyter.
main.ipynbJuptyer notebook to run individual experiments and display the results.
duplicates.ipynbJupyter notebook to explore the duplicate images in CIFAR100 and CelebA.
duplicates.jsonList of duplicates in training and/or testing sets of CIFAR100 and CelebA.