


Generate shell completion scripts from a JSON description of a command.


You can use the CLI to generate scripts:

npm i -g @completely/cli
completely --shell bash completion.json > completion.sh

(Only bash and zsh are supported at the moment.)

For example, given this JSON description:

  "command": "my-command",
  "subcommands": [
      "command": "draw",
      "args": [],
      "flags": [{
        "type": "string",
        "name": "color",
        "completion": {
          "type": "oneOf",
          "values": ["red", "green", "blue"]

If you generate a completion.sh file and source it, you'll get some completion suggestions:

source completion.sh
my-command # pressing <tab> will complete "draw"
my-command draw --color # pressing <tab><tab> will suggest "red", "green" and "blue"

You can also use the library directly:

npm i @completely/bash-generator
import { generate } from '@completely/bash-generator'
import completionSpec from './completion.json'

const script = generate(completionSpec)

JSON description

You can check the spec package to learn more about how to describe a command with a JSON file. Ideally you wouldn't need to do this manually, since this JSON is meant to be an internal representation generated by other means.