

RL4RS: A Real-World Dataset for Reinforcement Learning based Recommender System

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RL4RS is a real-world deep reinforcement learning recommender system dataset for practitioners and researchers.

import gym
from rl4rs.env.slate import SlateRecEnv, SlateState

sim = SlateRecEnv(config, state_cls=SlateState)
env = gym.make('SlateRecEnv-v0', recsim=sim)
for i in range(epoch):
    obs = env.reset()
    for j in range(config["max_steps"]):
        action = env.offline_action
        next_obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
        if done[0]:

Dataset Download(data only): https://zenodo.org/record/6622390#.YqBBpRNBxQK

Dataset Download(for reproduction): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YbPtPyYrMvMGOuqD4oHvK0epDtEhEb9v/view?usp=sharing

Paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2110.11073.pdf

<!--Paper_latest: https://openreview.net/pdf?id=euli0I5CKvy-->

Appendix: https://github.com/fuxiAIlab/RL4RS/blob/main/RL4RS_appendix.pdf

Kaggle Competition (old version): https://www.kaggle.com/c/bigdata2021-rl-recsys/overview

Resource Page: https://fuxi-up-research.gitbook.io/fuxi-up-challenges/

Tutorial: https://github.com/fuxiAIlab/RL4RS/blob/main/tutorial.ipynb

RL4RS News

new 04/20/2023: SIGIR 2023 Resource Track, [Accept].

09/02/2022: We release RL4RS v1.1.0. 1) two additional RS datasets for comparison, Last.fm and CIKMCup2016; 2) two additional model-free baselines, TD3 and RAINBOW, and two additional model-based batch RL baselines, MOPO (Model-based Offline Policy Optimization) and COMBO(Conservative Offline Model-Based Policy Optimization). 3) BCQ and CQL support continuous action spaces.

<!--**08/28/2022**: NeurIPS 2022 Track Datasets and Benchmarks, [Under Review](https://openreview.net/forum?id=euli0I5CKvy).-->

09/17/2022: A hand-on Invited talk at DRL4IR Workshop, SIGIR2022.

12/17/2021: Hosting IEEE BigData2021 Cup Challenges, Track I for Supervised Learning and Track II for Reinforcement Learning.

key features

:star: Real-World Datasets

:zap: Practical RL Baselines

:beginner: Easy-To-Use scaleable API

experimental features (welcome contributions!)


RL4RS supports Linux, at least 64 GB Mem !!

Github (recommended)

$ git clone https://github.com/fuxiAIlab/RL4RS
$ export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:`pwd`/rl4rs
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate rl4rs

Dataset Download (Google Driver)

Dataset Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YbPtPyYrMvMGOuqD4oHvK0epDtEhEb9v/view?usp=sharing

|-- batchrl
|   |-- BCQ_SeqSlateRecEnv-v0_b_all.h5
|   |-- BCQ_SlateRecEnv-v0_a_all.h5
|   |-- BC_SeqSlateRecEnv-v0_b_all.h5
|   |-- BC_SlateRecEnv-v0_a_all.h5
|   |-- CQL_SeqSlateRecEnv-v0_b_all.h5
|   `-- CQL_SlateRecEnv-v0_a_all.h5
|-- data_understanding_tool
|   |-- dataset
|   |   |-- ml-25m.zip
|   |   `-- yoochoose-clicks.dat.zip
|   `-- finetuned
|       |-- movielens.csv
|       |-- movielens.h5
|       |-- recsys15.csv
|       |-- recsys15.h5
|       |-- rl4rs.csv
|       `-- rl4rs.h5
|-- exactk
|   |-- exact_k.ckpt.10000.data-00000-of-00001
|   |-- exact_k.ckpt.10000.index
|   `-- exact_k.ckpt.10000.meta
|-- ope
|   `-- logged_policy.h5
|-- raw_data
|   |-- item_info.csv
|   |-- rl4rs_dataset_a_rl.csv
|   |-- rl4rs_dataset_a_sl.csv
|   |-- rl4rs_dataset_b_rl.csv
|   `-- rl4rs_dataset_b_sl.csv
`-- simulator
    |-- finetuned
    |   |-- simulator_a_dien
    |   |   |-- checkpoint
    |   |   |-- model.data-00000-of-00001
    |   |   |-- model.index
    |   |   `-- model.meta
    |   `-- simulator_b2_dien
    |       |-- checkpoint
    |       |-- model.data-00000-of-00001
    |       |-- model.index
    |       `-- model.meta
    |-- rl4rs_dataset_a_shuf.csv
    `-- rl4rs_dataset_b3_shuf.csv

two ways to use this resource

Reinforcement Learning Only

# move simulator/*.csv to rl4rs/dataset
# move simulator/finetuned/* to rl4rs/output
cd reproductions/
# run exact-k
bash run_exact_k.sh
# start http-based Env, then run RLlib library
nohup python -u rl4rs/server/gymHttpServer.py &
bash run_modelfree_rl.sh DQN/PPO/DDPG/PG/PG_conti/etc.

start from scratch (batch-rl, environment simulation, etc.)

cd reproductions/
# first step, generate tfrecords for supervised learning (environment simulation) 
# is time-consuming, you can annotate them firstly.
bash run_split.sh

# environment simulation part (need tfrecord)
# run these scripts to compare different SL methods
bash run_supervised_item.sh dnn/widedeep/dien/lstm
bash run_supervised_slate.sh dnn_slate/adversarial_slate/etc.
# or you can directly train DIEN-based simulator as RL Env.
bash run_simulator_train.sh dien

# model-free part (need run_simulator_train.sh)
# run exact-k
bash run_exact_k.sh
# start http-based Env, then run RLlib library
nohup python -u rl4rs/server/gymHttpServer.py &
bash run_modelfree_rl.sh DQN/PPO/DDPG/PG/PG_conti/etc.

# offline RL part (need run_simulator_train.sh)
# generate offline dataset for offline RL first (dataset_generate stage)
# generate offline dataset for offline RL first (train stage)
bash run_batch_rl.sh BC/BCQ/CQL

reported baselines

algorithmcategorysupport mode
Wide&Deepsupervised learningitem-wise classification/slate-wise classification/item ranking
GRU4Recsupervised learningitem-wise classification/slate-wise classification/item ranking
DIENsupervised learningitem-wise classification/slate-wise classification/item ranking
Adversarial User Modelsupervised learningitem-wise classification/slate-wise classification/item ranking
Exact-Kmodel-free learningdiscrete env & hidden state as observation
Policy Gredient (PG)model-free RLmodel-free learning
Deep Q-Network (DQN)model-free RLdiscrete env & raw feature/hidden state as observation
Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients (DDPG)model-free RLconti env & raw feature/hidden state as observation
Asynchronous Actor-Critic (A2C)model-free RLdiscrete/conti env & raw feature/hidden state as observation
Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO)model-free RLdiscrete/conti env & raw feature/hidden state as observation
Behavior Cloningsupervised learning/Offline RLdiscrete env & hidden state as observation
Batch Constrained Q-learning (BCQ)Offline RLdiscrete env & hidden state as observation
Conservative Q-Learning (CQL)Offline RLdiscrete env & hidden state as observation

supported algorithms (from RLlib and d3rlpy)

algorithmdiscrete controlcontinuous controloffline RL?
Behavior Cloning (supervised learning):white_check_mark::white_check_mark:
Deep Q-Network (DQN):white_check_mark::no_entry:
Double DQN:white_check_mark::no_entry:
A2C A3C:white_check_mark::white_check_mark:
Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients (DDPG):no_entry::white_check_mark:
Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients (TD3):no_entry::white_check_mark:
Soft Actor-Critic (SAC):white_check_mark::white_check_mark:
Batch Constrained Q-learning (BCQ):white_check_mark::white_check_mark::white_check_mark:
Bootstrapping Error Accumulation Reduction (BEAR):no_entry::white_check_mark::white_check_mark:
Advantage-Weighted Regression (AWR):white_check_mark::white_check_mark::white_check_mark:
Conservative Q-Learning (CQL):white_check_mark::white_check_mark::white_check_mark:
Advantage Weighted Actor-Critic (AWAC):no_entry::white_check_mark::white_check_mark:
Critic Reguralized Regression (CRR):no_entry::white_check_mark::white_check_mark:
Policy in Latent Action Space (PLAS):no_entry::white_check_mark::white_check_mark:


See script/ and reproductions/.

RLlib examples: https://docs.ray.io/en/latest/rllib-examples.html

d3rlpy examples: https://d3rlpy.readthedocs.io/en/v1.0.0/


See reproductions/.

bash run_xx.sh ${param}
experiment in the papershell scriptoptional param.description
Sec.3run_split.sh-dataset split/shuffle/align(for datasetB)/to tfrecord
Sec.4run_mdp_checker.shrecsys15/movielens/rl4rsunzip ml-25m.zip and yoochoose-clicks.dat.zip into dataset/
Sec.5.1run_supervised_item.shdnn/widedeep/lstm/dienTable 5. Item-wise classification
Sec.5.1run_supervised_slate.shdnn_slate/widedeep_slate/lstm_slate/dien_slate/adversarial_slateTable 5. Item-wise rank
Sec.5.1run_supervised_slate.shdnn_slate_multiclass/widedeep_slate_multiclass/lstm_slate_multiclass/dien_slate_multiclassTable 5. Slate-wise classification
Sec.5.1 & Sec.6run_simulator_train.shdiendien-based simulator for different trainsets
Sec.5.1 & Sec.6run_simulator_eval.shdienTable 6.
Sec.5.1 & Sec.6run_modelfree_rl.shPG/DQN/A2C/PPO/IMPALA/DDPG/*_contiTable 7.
Sec.5.2 & Sec.6run_batch_rl.shBC/BCQ/CQLTable 8.
-run_simulator_env_test.sh-examining the consistency of features (observations) between RL env and supervised simulator


Any kind of contribution to RL4RS would be highly appreciated! Please contact us by email.


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title={RL4RS: A Real-World Benchmark for Reinforcement Learning based Recommender System},
author={ Kai Wang and Zhene Zou and Yue Shang and Qilin Deng and Minghao Zhao and Runze Wu and Xudong Shen and Tangjie Lyu and Changjie Fan},