

Please Note: This project is no longer active.

Swift for Arm64/AArch64 Servers and SBC's

Latest build info from our CI server

Thanks to the great support from the Works on Arm project we have received an awesome update to our CI Server!
The Cavium ThunderX from Packet Bare Metal Servers who are now Equinox Metal has been upgraded to the latest Ampere Altra server.

We are seeing a massive increase in overall performance and a huge reduction in build times.

The Swift Arm Community CI Server

Debian 11 Bullseye

main branch                  Build Status
release/6.0 branch       Build Status

Debian 12 Bookworm

main branch                  Build Status
release/6.0 branch       Build Status

Ubuntu 24.04 Noble

main branch                  Build Status
release/6.0 branch       Build Status


Swift for Arm64/aarch64 Servers and SBC's - Rock64, RaspberryPi3 and many more

The Swift Community Apt Repository

Install packages are now available for arm64/aarch64 compatible Servers and SBC's for Ubuntu and Debian based OS's in the new Swift Community Apt Repository

Add repo

curl -s https://archive.swiftlang.xyz/install.sh | sudo bash

Install Swift

sudo apt-get install swiftlang

For more information about the repository please see the User Guide

Tested Servers

Ampere Altra Mt Snow - Equinox Metal
Cavium ThunderX - Packet Bare Metal Servers
Amazon EC2 Arm64 instances - AWS

Tested Boards and OS's

Rock64 / RockPro64 - Debian/Stretch Ubuntu/Xenial - http://pine64.org
RaspberryPi 3 / 4 models - Ubuntu 18.04 / 20.04 / 20.10 64bit
ODROID-C2 - Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS xenial

RaspberyPi 3 / 4 64bit OS

An official 64 bit Ubuntu install image is now available for Raspberry Pi 2/3/4.

Ubuntu Focal available for Raspberry Pi

Download images here - https://ubuntu.com/download/raspberry-pi

Building Swift With Docker

You can now build Swift for multiple OS releases all from the same build server using Docker containers. - Build with Docker

Building Swift

Swift development on AArch64 systems is currently possible on Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04.
The following build instructions are for Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04.

Setting up the Swift development environment

CMake minimum version.

  1. Do nothing. Swift build will automatically download the cmake source code and build cmake version 3.15.1. before starting the swift build. NOTE* This will take considerable time depending on your build machine.
  2. Download and install cmake 3.15.2 from swift-arm/build_tools repo
    $ curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/swift-arm/build_tools/script.deb.sh | sudo bash
    $ sudo apt-get install cmake

NOTE: Minimum CMake version for Swift 5.3: is now 3.16.5

Getting Sources for Swift and Related Projects

Applying Patches

Building with Ninja