

Is jsonb valid

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is_jsonb_valid is a native PostgreSQL extension to validate json schemas following Draft4. and Draft7 The extension exposes two function is_jsonb_valid(schema jsonb, data jsonb) and is_jsonb_valid_draft_v7(schema jsonb, data jsonb) which return a boolean depending on the success of the validation. is_jsonb_valid validates following draft 4 of json schema.


SELECT is_jsonb_valid('{"type": "number"}', '1');
> t
SELECT is_jsonb_valid('{"type": "object"}', '1');
> f

SELECT is_jsonb_valid_draft_v7('{"if":{"exclusiveMaximum":0},"else":{"multipleOf":2}}', '4');
> t
SELECT is_jsonb_valid_draft_v7('{"if":{"exclusiveMaximum":0},"else":{"multipleOf":2}}', '3');
> f

It passes (most of) JSON-Schema-Test-Suite. The exceptions are:

Testing and Installation

Make sure that you have PostgreSQL 9.6 or newer (check ci.yml for supported versions). In the directory of the project do:

make install && make installcheck

This will compile the extension and run the tests. Later in psql run:

CREATE EXTENSION is_jsonb_valid;

You can also run tests without installing postgres.

 docker run -it --rm --mount "type=bind,src=$(pwd),dst=/repo" pgxn/pgxn-tools     sh -c 'cd /repo && make clean && pg-start 12 && pg-build-test'  >log 2>&1


Benchmarking is always tricky, I've tried to check against a real world example, in particular tweets. The only other extension that I know for this purpose is postgres-json-schema. For more information on how to run the benchmarks check ./tools/README.md

Numbers of tweetsis_jsonb_valid (ms)postgres-json-schema (ms)Improvement (times)


This project is a based on postgres-json-schema. It has been written from scratch in C (original was written in SQL).