

QL Search

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What is QL Search?

An extension that integrates SearchWP into WPGraphQL.

Quick Install

  1. Install & activate SearchWP v3.1.9+
  2. Install & activate WPGraphQL v0.5.0+
  3. Clone or download the zip of this repository into your WordPress plugin directory & activate the plugin.


Some Examples

Query multiple types with a single input.

query {
    searchWP(first: 5, where: { input: "Hello World" }) {
        nodes {
            ... on Post {
            ... on Page {

The input parameter is the base search field, and request on all searchWP queries.

Query with an alternative engine.

query {
    searchWP(first: 5, where: { input: "Hello World", engine: "other-engine-slug" }) {
        nodes {
            ... on Post {
                ... more post fields
            ... on Page {
                ... more page fields

The engine parameter by default is set to default. An important thing to remember is that in order for a post-type to be returned as an searchWP result be enable on the SearchWP engine, Find out more about SearchWP's engine configuration here, and it must have exclude_from_search set to false and show_in_graphql set to true in it's Post-type configurations.

Query by taxonomies.

query {
    searchWP(first: 5, where: { input: "Hello World", taxonomies: { taxArray: [{ taxonomy: TAG, field: SLUG, terms: "test_tag" }] } }) {
        nodes {
            ... on Post {
                ... more post fields
            ... on Page {
                ... more page fields

The taxonomies parameter is designed to be identical to the enhanced taxQuery parameter used by WPGraphQL Tax Query. Another important thing to remember about SearchWP and by relation QL Search, is that in order to query a specific taxonomy, that taxonomy must be given a weight on the engine being used. In the cause of the query above that is the default engine. Find out more about SearchWP's engine configuration here.

Query by meta.

query {
    searchWP(first: 5, where: { input: "Hello World", meta: { metaArray: [{ key: "test_meta", value: "meta value", compare: EQUAL_TO }] } }) {
        nodes {
            ... on Post {
                ... more post fields
            ... on Page {
                ... more page fields

The meta parameter is designed to be identical to the enhanced metaQuery parameter used by WPGraphQL Meta Query.

Query by date.

query {
    searchWP(first: 5, where: { input: "Hello World", date: [{ year: 1970, month: 1, day: 1 }] }) {
        nodes {
            ... on Post {
                ... more post fields
            ... on Page {
                ... more page fields

The date parameter is designed to be identical to the date parameter on the core WPGraphQL post object connection.