A prone (error reporting middleware) integration for catacumba.
Prone is a exception reporting middleware for ring based applications that show a beautiful, navegable and human readable stacktraces when an exception is throwed in your application. It is not directly compatible with catacumba but here is a integration that allows you use almost all features that it exposes.
Quick Start
For use it on your application, add the appropriate dependency:
[funcool/catacumba-prone "0.4.0"]
Later, add the prone handler to you route chain:
(ns myappns.routes
(:require [catacumba.core :as ct]
[catacumba.plugins.prone :as prone]))
(def app
(ct/routes [[:setup (prone/handler {:namespaces ["myappns"]})]
;; your handlers here
Now, if an exception is happens in your application, the prone middleware will capture it and showed in a beautiful manner.
Contributing & License
The same as catacumba.