

iServe - web server part

Common commands

  1. To start the server zbatery -p 9292 -c config/rainbows.rb
  2. To enter console irb -r ./web.rb

How to build zeromq C binaries in heroku

  1. Enter our heroku dyno by running heroku run bash --remote heroku
  2. Inside heroku, cd /tmp
  3. In heroku, curl -O http://download.zeromq.org/zeromq-3.2.0-rc1.tar.gz
  4. tar zxf zeromq-3.2.0.tar.gz; cd zeromq-3.2.0
  5. mkdir build
  6. ./configure --prefix=/tmp/zeromq-3.2.0/build; make; make install
  7. At this moment, you should see the binaries residing in build/lib, fetch them back by running scp build/lib/libzmq.* fumin@nandalu.idv.tw:/home/fumin
  8. In our project, place these binaries under lib/ffi-rzmq/ext/

Other parts of iServe