Table of contents
- 1-Passenger Counter App
- 2-Calculator App
- 3-Black Jack App
- 4-Emoji Fighter App
- 5-Solo Project: Basketball Scoreboard
- 6-Solo Project: Password Generator
- 7-Solo Project: Chrome Extension App
- 8-Solo Project: Unit Converter App
- 9-Solo Project: My Emojis App
- 10-First PWA App: Mobile Cat App
I completed 9 projects of Module 3 of the frontend developer career path on Scrimba. I mastered HTML/CSS and JavaScript in these projects. You can see the visual representations of the each app below.
1-Passenger Counter App
Visulation of the App
2-Calculator App
Visulation of the App
3-Black Jack App
Visulation of the App
4-Emoji Fighter App
Visulation of the App
5-Solo Project:Basketball Scoreboard
Visulation of the App
Check it out: The Link
What I Learned?
- Mastered JavaScript. - HTML/CSS - Functions - DOM Manipulation
Stretch Goals: COMPLETED ✅
Add a new game button: Button added as a new div, when button is clicked all scores adjusted as zero
Highlight the leader: The text color changes when home or guest score is increased
Add a new content: Added time content
Change the design: Button styles, text weight, letter spacing adjusted
Make all six buttons work: Home or guest have 3 three buttons which increase score as 1,2 or 3
6-Solo Project: Password Generator App
Visulation of the App
Check it out: The Link
What I Learned?
- Mastered JavaScript. - HTML/CSS - For Loops - Arrays - Functions - Math.random() Module
Stretch Goals: COMPLETED ✅
Generate two random passwords when the user clicks the button ✅
Each password should be 15 characters long ✅
7-Solo Project: Chrome Extension App
Visulation of the App
What I Learned?
- const,let - addEventListener(click and dblclick events) - innerHTML - function parameters,arguments - template strings - localStorage(setItem,getItem,clear) - Chrome API to save tabs - JSON object - manifest.json file - objects in array
Stretch Goals: COMPLETED ✅
When user enter a link in textbox and clicks "SAVE INPUT" button, link is saved in storage ✅
When user clicks "SAVE TAB" button, current tab's url is saved ✅
When user clicks "DELETE ALL" button, all saved links are deleted on localStorage ✅
8-Solo Project: Unit Converter
Visulation of the App
Check it out: Link
What I Learned?
- const,let - addEventListener event like click listener - innerHTML - functions - template strings - toFixed() attribute
Stretch Goals: COMPLETED ✅
When user enter a number and press "CONVERT" button, generated all conversions(Meter/Feet, Liters/Gallons, Kilos/Pounds) ✅
Rebuild the desing spec ✅
Round numbers down to three decimal places ✅
9-Solo Project: My Emojis
Visulation of the App
Check it out: Link
What I Learned?
- const,let - addEventListener event like click listener - for loops - innerHTML - functions - createElement,pop(),push(),shift(),unshift() - arrays - DOM manipulation
Stretch Goals: COMPLETED ✅
- Add your personal emojis: "👩💻", "🐈", "🥺","💅" added in array ✅
- When user texts an emoji and clicks "Add to end", emoji added as last element ✅
- When user texts an emoji and clicks "Add to beginning", emoji added as first element ✅
- When user texts an emoji and clicks "Remove from end", emoji removed from last index ✅
- When user texts an emoji and clicks "Remove from beginnig", emoji removed from first index ✅
10-Cat PWA App
Visulation of the App
Check it out: The Link
Description: Created first PWA app using real time database with Firebase. It is called as shopping list. The app features include:
- User can add or remove items on Firebase database
- When user clicks any item, item is deleted
- User can add this application on homescreen and use it as a mobile app
What I Learned?
- Firebase: onValue, push(), remove(), getDatabase, ref(), snapshots
- Favicon converter
- Web Application Manifest
- user-select
- Object.values(), Object.keys()