Table of contents
Completed these challenges that are parts of Scrimba's Advanced React Course. I learned fundamentals of advanced React topics with these challenges. You can see the visual representations of the each app below.
These challenges include class components and lifecycle methods.
Challenge 1: Convert functional components to class components
Visualization of the app;
Challenge 2: Convert a class component with state
Visualization of the app;
Challenge 3: Constructor Method
Description: Added constructor method on Challenge 2 practice above
Visualization of the app;
Challenge 4: Updating Complex State with this.setState()
Visualization of the app;
Challenge 5: Lifecycle Methods
Visualization of the app;
These challenges include code reuse in React
Challenge 1: React Children
Visualization of the app;
Challenge 2: Higher Order Components
Writing a higher-order component that passes a new prop to the given componentcalled "favoriteNumber" and includes a favorite number. Then, in App.js, rendered that favorite number to the screen. It is written just 42.
Challenge 3: Render Props
Visualization of the app;
These challenges include performance optimization methods in React
Challenge 1: React.memo()
Visualization of the app;
Challenge 2: shouldComponentUpdate()
Implied performance optimization with shouldComponentUpdate() on the same project on Challenge 1
Challenge 3: React.PureComponent
Implied performance optimization with React.PureComponent on the same project on Challenge 2
These challenges include react context practices in React
Challenge 1: Context Practice with createContext() and contextType
Visualization of the app;
Challenge 2: Context.Consumer
Converted functional components and used <UserContext.Consumer> for the above practice
Challenge 3: Changing Context
Visualization of the app;
Challenge 4: Adding form
Changing userContext into a component that has state and providing the ability to change the user's username on Challenge 3
Visualization of the app;
These challenges include react hooks practices in React
Challenge 1: Speed Typing Game Part 1
useState(), useEffect() hooks are used in this project
Visualization of the app;
Challenge 2: Speed Typing Game Part 2
useRef() hook added to focus textarea on Challenge 2
Challenge 3: Refactor "Challenge 3: Changing Context on 4-react-context"
Adding useContext() hook added to Challenge 3 on 4-react-context
Challenge 4: : Speed Typing Game Part 3
useWordGame() custom hook added to Speed Typing Game Part 2 on Challenge 2
These challenges include React Router methods in React
Challenge 1: React Router
BrowserRouter, Link, Switch and Route components are used to practice
Visualization of the app;
Challenge 2: Nested Routes
Nested routes added for profile info and profile settings
Visualization of the app;
Challenge 3: React Router Practice Part 1
BrowserRouter, Link, Switch and Route components are used to practice
Visualization of the app;
Challenge 4: React Router Practice Part 2
useParams() added to Product Details page
Visualization of the app;
It is an eCommerce site that pulls all my new React knowledge together. You can access the random photos with the detail. I used the React context to provide and distribute photos. The photos is taken from the Scrimba Images.
Check The Live Website ➡️ Live Website
- User can see the list of photos at the main page.
- User can toggle favorite pics
- User can see favorited pics
- User can add image to cart
- User can remove image from cart
- Total cost is automatically calculated
- User can place order
Animation of the Website
Technologies 💻
- React
- React Router Dom
- React Context
- Custom Hover Hook
- [Scrimba Images](
The basic counter app is created using react-redux, useSelector() and useDispatch() hooks.