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Trippy combines the functionality of traceroute and ping and is designed to assist with the analysis of networking issues.

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fujiapple852/trippy/master/assets/0.8.0/trippy.gif" alt="trippy"/>


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The following table lists ths versions of Trippy that are available and links to the corresponding release note and documentation:

VersionRelease DateStatusRelease NoteDocumentation

[!NOTE] Only the latest patch versions of both the current and previous releases of Trippy are supported.


Packaging status



cargo install trippy --locked

PPA (Ubuntu)

Ubuntu PPA

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fujiapple/trippy
sudo apt update && apt install trippy

Snap (Linux)


snap install trippy

Homebrew (macOS)

Homebrew package

brew install trippy

WinGet (Windows)

winget package

winget install trippy

Scoop (Windows)

Scoop package

scoop install trippy


pkgsrc current package

pkgin install trippy


FreeBSD port

pkg install trippy


OpenBSD port

pkg_add trippy

Pacman (Arch Linux)

Arch package

pacman -S trippy


nixpkgs unstable package

nix-env -iA trippy


Docker Image Version (latest by date)

docker run -it fujiapple/trippy

Binary Asset Download



Trippy normally requires elevated privileges due to the use of raw sockets. Enabling the required privileges for your platform can be achieved in several ways, as outlined below. Trippy can also be used without elevated privileged on certain platforms, with some limitations.


1: Run as root user via sudo:

sudo trip example.com

2: chown trip as the root user and set the setuid bit:

sudo chown root $(which trip) && sudo chmod +s $(which trip)

3: [Linux only] Set the CAP_NET_RAW capability:

sudo setcap CAP_NET_RAW+p $(which trip)

Trippy is a capability aware application and will add CAP_NET_RAW to the effective set if it is present in the allowed set. Trippy will drop all capabilities after creating the raw sockets.


Trippy must be run with Administrator privileges on Windows.

Unprivileged mode

Trippy allows running in an unprivileged mode for all tracing modes (ICMP, UDP and TCP) on platforms which support that feature.

[!NOTE] Unprivileged mode is currently only supported on macOS. Linux support is possible and may be added in the future. Unprivileged mode is not supported on NetBSD, FreeBSD or Windows as these platforms do not support the IPPROTO_ICMP socket type. See #101 for further information.

The unprivileged mode can be enabled by adding the --unprivileged (-u) command line flag or by adding the unprivileged entry in the trippy section of the configuration file:

unprivileged = true

[!NOTE] The paris and dublin ECMP strategies are not supported in unprivileged mode as these require manipulating the UDP and IP and headers which in turn requires the use of a raw socket.

Usage Examples

Basic usage with default parameters:

trip example.com

Trace without requiring elevated privileges (supported platforms only, see privileges):

trip example.com --unprivileged

Trace using the udp (or tcp or icmp) protocol (also aliases --icmp, --udp & --tcp):

trip example.com -p udp

Trace to multiple targets simultaneously (icmp protocol only, see #72):

trip example.com google.com crates.io

Trace with a minimum round time of 250ms and a grace period of 50ms:

trip example.com -i 250ms -g 50ms

Trace with a custom first and maximum time-to-live:

trip example.com --first-ttl 2 --max-ttl 10

Use custom destination port 443 for tcp tracing:

trip example.com -p tcp -P 443

Use custom source port 5000 for udp tracing:

trip example.com -p udp -S 5000

Use the dublin (or paris) ECMP routing strategy for udp with fixed source and destination ports:

trip example.com -p udp -R dublin -S 5000 -P 3500

Trace with a custom source address:

trip example.com -p tcp -A

Trace with a source address determined by the IPv4 address for interface en0:

trip example.com -p tcp -I en0

Trace using IPv6:

trip example.com -6

Trace using ipv4-then-ipv6 fallback (or ipv6-then-ipv4 or ipv4 or ipv6):

trip example.com --addr-family ipv4-then-ipv6

Generate a json (or csv, pretty, markdown) tracing report with 5 rounds of data:

trip example.com -m json -C 5

Generate a Graphviz DOT file report of all tracing flows for a TCP trace after 5 rounds:

trip example.com --tcp -m dot -C 5

Generate a textual report of all tracing flows for a UDP trace after 5 rounds:

trip example.com --udp -m flows -C 5

Perform DNS queries using the google DNS resolver (or cloudflare, system, resolv):

trip example.com -r google

Lookup AS information for all discovered IP addresses (not yet available for the system resolver, see #66):

trip example.com -r google -z

Lookup and display short (or long or location or off) GeoIp information from a mmdb file:

trip example.com --geoip-mmdb-file GeoLite2-City.mmdb --tui-geoip-mode short

Parse icmp extensions:

trip example.com -e

Hide the IP address, hostname and GeoIp for the first two hops:

trip example.com --tui-privacy-max-ttl 2

Customize Tui columns (see Column Reference):

trip example.com --tui-custom-columns holsravbwdt

Customize the color theme:

trip example.com --tui-theme-colors bg-color=blue,text-color=ffff00

List all Tui items that can have a custom color theme:

trip --print-tui-theme-items

Customize the key bindings:

trip example.com --tui-key-bindings previous-hop=k,next-hop=j,quit=shift-q

List all Tui commands that can have a custom key binding:

trip --print-tui-binding-commands

Specify the location of the Trippy config file:

trip example.com --config-file /path/to/trippy.toml

Generate a template configuration file:

trip --print-config-template > trippy.toml

Generate bash shell completions (or fish, powershell, zsh, elvish):

trip --generate bash

Generate ROFF man page:

trip --generate-man

Run in silent tracing mode and output compact trace logging with full span events:

trip example.com -m silent -v --log-format compact --log-span-events full

Command Reference

[!NOTE] Trippy command line arguments may be given in any order and my occur both before and after the targets.

A network diagnostic tool

Usage: trip [OPTIONS] [TARGETS]...

          A space delimited list of hostnames and IPs to trace

  -c, --config-file <CONFIG_FILE>
          Config file

  -m, --mode <MODE>
          Output mode [default: tui]

          Possible values:
          - tui:      Display interactive TUI
          - stream:   Display a continuous stream of tracing data
          - pretty:   Generate a pretty text table report for N cycles
          - markdown: Generate a Markdown text table report for N cycles
          - csv:      Generate a CSV report for N cycles
          - json:     Generate a JSON report for N cycles
          - dot:      Generate a Graphviz DOT file for N cycles
          - flows:    Display all flows for N cycles
          - silent:   Do not generate any tracing output for N cycles

  -u, --unprivileged
          Trace without requiring elevated privileges on supported platforms
          [default: false]

  -p, --protocol <PROTOCOL>
          Tracing protocol [default: icmp]

          Possible values:
          - icmp: Internet Control Message Protocol
          - udp:  User Datagram Protocol
          - tcp:  Transmission Control Protocol

          Trace using the UDP protocol

          Trace using the TCP protocol

          Trace using the ICMP protocol

  -F, --addr-family <ADDR_FAMILY>
          The address family [default: Ipv4thenIpv6]

          Possible values:
          - ipv4:           Ipv4 only
          - ipv6:           Ipv6 only
          - ipv6-then-ipv4: Ipv6 with a fallback to Ipv4
          - ipv4-then-ipv6: Ipv4 with a fallback to Ipv6

  -4, --ipv4
          Use IPv4 only

  -6, --ipv6
          Use IPv6 only

  -P, --target-port <TARGET_PORT>
          The target port (TCP & UDP only) [default: 80]

  -S, --source-port <SOURCE_PORT>
          The source port (TCP & UDP only) [default: auto]

  -A, --source-address <SOURCE_ADDRESS>
          The source IP address [default: auto]

  -I, --interface <INTERFACE>
          The network interface [default: auto]

  -i, --min-round-duration <MIN_ROUND_DURATION>
          The minimum duration of every round [default: 1s]

  -T, --max-round-duration <MAX_ROUND_DURATION>
          The maximum duration of every round [default: 1s]

  -g, --grace-duration <GRACE_DURATION>
          The period of time to wait for additional ICMP responses after the
          target has responded [default: 100ms]

      --initial-sequence <INITIAL_SEQUENCE>
          The initial sequence number [default: 33000]

  -R, --multipath-strategy <MULTIPATH_STRATEGY>
          The Equal-cost Multi-Path routing strategy (UDP only) [default:

          Possible values:
          - classic:
            The src or dest port is used to store the sequence number
          - paris:
            The UDP `checksum` field is used to store the sequence number
          - dublin:
            The IP `identifier` field is used to store the sequence number

  -U, --max-inflight <MAX_INFLIGHT>
          The maximum number of in-flight ICMP echo requests [default: 24]

  -f, --first-ttl <FIRST_TTL>
          The TTL to start from [default: 1]

  -t, --max-ttl <MAX_TTL>
          The maximum number of TTL hops [default: 64]

      --packet-size <PACKET_SIZE>
          The size of IP packet to send (IP header + ICMP header + payload)
          [default: 84]

      --payload-pattern <PAYLOAD_PATTERN>
          The repeating pattern in the payload of the ICMP packet [default: 0]

  -Q, --tos <TOS>
          The TOS (i.e. DSCP+ECN) IP header value (TCP and UDP only) [default: 0]

  -e, --icmp-extensions
          Parse ICMP extensions

      --read-timeout <READ_TIMEOUT>
          The socket read timeout [default: 10ms]

  -r, --dns-resolve-method <DNS_RESOLVE_METHOD>
          How to perform DNS queries [default: system]

          Possible values:
          - system:     Resolve using the OS resolver
          - resolv:     Resolve using the `/etc/resolv.conf` DNS configuration
          - google:     Resolve using the Google `` DNS service
          - cloudflare: Resolve using the Cloudflare `` DNS service

  -y, --dns-resolve-all
          Trace to all IPs resolved from DNS lookup [default: false]

      --dns-timeout <DNS_TIMEOUT>
          The maximum time to wait to perform DNS queries [default: 5s]

  -z, --dns-lookup-as-info
          Lookup autonomous system (AS) information during DNS queries [default:

  -s, --max-samples <MAX_SAMPLES>
          The maximum number of samples to record per hop [default: 256]

      --max-flows <MAX_FLOWS>
          The maximum number of flows to record [default: 64]

  -a, --tui-address-mode <TUI_ADDRESS_MODE>
          How to render addresses [default: host]

          Possible values:
          - ip:   Show IP address only
          - host: Show reverse-lookup DNS hostname only
          - both: Show both IP address and reverse-lookup DNS hostname

      --tui-as-mode <TUI_AS_MODE>
          How to render AS information [default: asn]

          Possible values:
          - asn:          Show the ASN
          - prefix:       Display the AS prefix
          - country-code: Display the country code
          - registry:     Display the registry name
          - allocated:    Display the allocated date
          - name:         Display the AS name

      --tui-custom-columns <TUI_CUSTOM_COLUMNS>
          Custom columns to be displayed in the TUI hops table [default:

      --tui-icmp-extension-mode <TUI_ICMP_EXTENSION_MODE>
          How to render ICMP extensions [default: off]

          Possible values:
          - off:  Do not show `icmp` extensions
          - mpls: Show MPLS label(s) only
          - full: Show full `icmp` extension data for all known extensions
          - all:  Show full `icmp` extension data for all classes

      --tui-geoip-mode <TUI_GEOIP_MODE>
          How to render GeoIp information [default: short]

          Possible values:
          - off:      Do not display GeoIp data
          - short:    Show short format
          - long:     Show long format
          - location: Show latitude and Longitude format

  -M, --tui-max-addrs <TUI_MAX_ADDRS>
          The maximum number of addresses to show per hop [default: auto]

          Preserve the screen on exit [default: false]

      --tui-refresh-rate <TUI_REFRESH_RATE>
          The Tui refresh rate [default: 100ms]

      --tui-privacy-max-ttl <TUI_PRIVACY_MAX_TTL>
          The maximum ttl of hops which will be masked for privacy [default: 0]

      --tui-theme-colors <TUI_THEME_COLORS>
          The TUI theme colors [item=color,item=color,..]

          Print all TUI theme items and exit

      --tui-key-bindings <TUI_KEY_BINDINGS>
          The TUI key bindings [command=key,command=key,..]

          Print all TUI commands that can be bound and exit

  -C, --report-cycles <REPORT_CYCLES>
          The number of report cycles to run [default: 10]

  -G, --geoip-mmdb-file <GEOIP_MMDB_FILE>
          The supported MaxMind or IPinfo GeoIp mmdb file

      --generate <GENERATE>
          Generate shell completion

          [possible values: bash, elvish, fish, powershell, zsh]

          Generate ROFF man page

          Print a template toml config file and exit

      --log-format <LOG_FORMAT>
          The debug log format [default: pretty]

          Possible values:
          - compact: Display log data in a compact format
          - pretty:  Display log data in a pretty format
          - json:    Display log data in a json format
          - chrome:  Display log data in Chrome trace format

      --log-filter <LOG_FILTER>
          The debug log filter [default: trippy=debug]

      --log-span-events <LOG_SPAN_EVENTS>
          The debug log format [default: off]

          Possible values:
          - off:    Do not display event spans
          - active: Display enter and exit event spans
          - full:   Display all event spans

  -v, --verbose
          Enable verbose debug logging

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

  -V, --version
          Print version

Theme Reference

The following table lists the default Tui color theme. These can be overridden with the --tui-theme-colors command line option or in the theme-colors section of the configuration file.

bg-colorThe default background colorBlack
border-colorThe default color of bordersGray
text-colorThe default color of textGray
tab-text-colorThe color of the text in traces tabsGreen
hops-table-header-bg-colorThe background color of the hops table headerWhite
hops-table-header-text-colorThe color of text in the hops table headerBlack
hops-table-row-active-text-colorThe color of text of active rows in the hops tableGray
hops-table-row-inactive-text-colorThe color of text of inactive rows in the hops tableDarkGray
hops-chart-selected-colorThe color of the selected series in the hops chartGreen
hops-chart-unselected-colorThe color of the unselected series in the hops chartGray
hops-chart-axis-colorThe color of the axis in the hops chartDarkGray
frequency-chart-bar-colorThe color of bars in the frequency chartGreen
frequency-chart-text-colorThe color of text in the bars of the frequency chartGray
flows-chart-bar-selected-colorThe color of the selected flow bar in the flows chartGreen
flows-chart-bar-unselected-colorThe color of the unselected flow bar in the flows chartDarkGray
flows-chart-text-current-colorThe color of the current flow text in the flows chartLightGreen
flows-chart-text-non-current-colorThe color of the non-current flow text in the flows chartWhite
samples-chart-colorThe color of the samples chartYellow
help-dialog-bg-colorThe background color of the help dialogBlue
help-dialog-text-colorThe color of the text in the help dialogGray
settings-dialog-bg-colorThe background color of the settings dialogblue
settings-tab-text-colorThe color of the text in settings dialog tabsgreen
settings-table-header-text-colorThe color of text in the settings table headerblack
settings-table-header-bg-colorThe background color of the settings table headerwhite
settings-table-row-text-colorThe color of text of rows in the settings tablegray
map-world-colorThe color of the map world diagramwhite
map-radius-colorThe color of the map accuracy radius circleyellow
map-selected-colorThe color of the map selected item boxgreen
map-info-panel-border-colorThe color of border of the map info panelgray
map-info-panel-bg-colorThe background color of the map info panelblack
map-info-panel-text-colorThe color of text in the map info panelgray

The supported ANSI colors are:

In addition, CSS named colors (i.e. SkyBlue) and raw hex values (i.e. ffffff) may be used but note that these are only supported on some platforms and terminals and may not render correctly elsewhere.

Color names are case-insensitive and may contain dashes.

Key Bindings Reference

The following table lists the default Tui command key bindings. These can be overridden with the --tui-key-bindings command line option or in the bindings section of the configuration file.

toggle-helpToggle helph
toggle-help-altToggle help (alternative binding)?
toggle-settingsToggle settingss
toggle-settings-tuiOpen settings (Tui tab)1
toggle-settings-traceOpen settings (Trace tab)2
toggle-settings-dnsOpen settings (Dns tab)3
toggle-settings-geoipOpen settings (GeoIp tab)4
toggle-settings-bindingsOpen settings (Bindings tab)5
toggle-settings-themeOpen settings (Theme tab)6
toggle-settings-columnsOpen settings (Columns tab)7
next-hopSelect next hopdown
previous-hopSelect previous hopup
next-traceSelect next traceright
previous-traceSelect previous traceleft
next-hop-addressSelect next hop address.
previous-hop-addressSelect previous hop address,
address-mode-ipShow IP address onlyi
address-mode-hostShow hostname onlyn
address-mode-bothShow both IP address and hostnameb
toggle-freezeToggle freezing the displayctrl+f
toggle-chartToggle the chartc
toggle-mapToggle the GeoIp mapm
toggle-flowsToggle the flowsf
toggle-privacyToggle the hop privacyp
expand-hostsExpand the hosts shown per hop]
expand-hosts-maxExpand the hosts shown per hop to the maximum}
contract-hostsContract the hosts shown per hop[
contract-hosts-minContract the hosts shown per hop to the minimum{
chart-zoom-inZoom in the chart=
chart-zoom-outZoom out the chart-
clear-trace-dataClear all trace datactrl+r
clear-dns-cacheFlush the DNS cachectrl+k
clear-selectionClear the current selectionesc
toggle-as-infoToggle AS info displayz
toggle-hop-detailsToggle hop detailsd
quitQuit the applicationq

The supported modifiers are: shift, ctrl, alt, super, hyper & meta. Multiple modifiers may be specified, for example ctrl+shift+b.

Column Reference

The below table lists the columns that are available for display in the Tui. These can be overridden with the --tui-custom-columns command line option or in the tui-custom-columns attribute in the tui section of the configuration file.

#hThe time-to-live (TTL) for the hop
HostoThe hostname(s) and IP address(s) for the host(s) for the hop<br/>May include AS info, GeoIp and ICMP extensions<br/>Shows full hop details in hop detail navigation mode
Loss%lThe packet loss % for the hop
SndsThe number of probes sent for the hop
RecvrThe number of probe responses received for the hop
LastaThe round-trip-time (RTT) of the last probe for the hop
AvgvThe average RTT of all probes for the hop
BestbThe best RTT of all probes for the hop
WrstwThe worst RTT of all probes for the hop
StDevdThe standard deviation of all probes for the hop
StstThe status for the hop:<br/>- 🟢 Healthy hop<br/>- 🔵 Non-target hop with packet loss (does not necessarily indicate a problem)<br/>- 🟤 Non-target hop is unresponsive (does not necessarily indicate a problem) <br/>- 🟡 Target hop with packet loss (likely indicates a problem)<br/>- 🔴 Target hop is unresponsive (likely indicates a problem)
JttrjThe round-trip-time (RTT) difference between consecutive rounds for the hop
JavggThe average jitter of all probes for the hop
JmaxxThe maximum jitter of all probes for the hop
JintuThe smoothed jitter value of all probes for the hop
SeqQThe sequence number for the last probe for the hop
SprtSThe source port for the last probe for the hop
DprtPThe destination port for the last probe for the hop
TypeTThe icmp packet type for the last probe for the hop:<br/>- TE: TimeExceeded<br/>- ER: EchoReply<br/>- DU: DestinationUnreachable<br/>- NA: NotApplicable
CodeCThe icmp packet code for the last probe for the hop

The default columns are holsravbwdt.

[!NOTE] The columns will be shown in the order specified in the configuration.

Configuration Reference

Trippy can be configured with via command line arguments or an optional configuration file. If a given configuration item is specified in both the configuration file and via a command line argument then the latter will take precedence.

The configuration file location may be provided to Trippy via the -c (--config-file) argument. If not provided, Trippy will attempt to locate a trippy.toml or .trippy.toml configuration file in one of the following locations:

An annotated template configuration file is available for 0.9.0 and 0.10.0.

Trippy (version 0.9.0 or later) can generate a template configuration file:

trip --print-config-template > trippy.toml

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does Trippy show "Awaiting data..."?

If you are using Windows you must configure the Windows Defender firewall to allow incoming ICMP traffic

When Trippy shows “Awaiting data...” it means that it has received zero responses for the probes sent in a trace. This indicates that either probes are not being sent or, more typically, responses are not being received.

Check that local and network firewalls allow ICMP traffic and that the system traceroute (or tracert.exe on Windows) works as expected. Note that on Windows, even if tracert.exe works as expected, you must configure the Windows Defender firewall to allow incoming ICMP traffic.

For deeper diagnostics you can run tools such as https://www.wireshark.org and https://www.tcpdump.org to verify that icmp requests and responses are being send and received.

<a name="windows-defender"></a>

How do I allow incoming ICMP traffic in the Windows Defender firewall?

The Windows Defender firewall rule can be created using PowerShell:

New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "ICMP Trippy Allow" -Name ICMP_TRIPPY_ALLOW -Protocol ICMPv4 -Action Allow

The rule can be enabled and disabled as follows:

Enable-NetFirewallRule ICMP_TRIPPY_ALLOW
Disable-NetFirewallRule ICMP_TRIPPY_ALLOW

The Windows Defender firewall rule may also be configured manually, see here for a step-by-step guide.


Trippy is made possible by ratatui ( formerly tui-rs), crossterm as well as several foundational Rust libraries.

Trippy draws heavily from mtr and also incorporates ideas from both libparistraceroute & Dublin Traceroute.

The Trippy networking code is inspired by pnet and some elements of that codebase are incorporated in Trippy.

The AS data is retrieved from the IP to ASN Mapping Service provided by Team Cymru.

The trippy.cli.rs CNAME hosting is provided by cli.rs.

The Trippy chat room is sponsored by Zulip.


This project is distributed under the terms of the Apache License (Version 2.0).

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in time by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

See LICENSE for details.

Copyright 2022 Trippy Contributors