

JSLT IntelliJ Language Plugin



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Build Notes

The parser code generated from the src/main/grammar/jslt.bnf by grammarKit has to run twice as it does not recognise the Util-Classes, that are compiled later. Therefore, the build is not completely Gradle based and the generated code is checked into Git. Run the "Generate Parser Code" from the context menu of the bnf-file within IntelliJ (twice) before build if the grammar changed.

The build task throws an exception on the buildSearchableOptions task (Process 'command '.../.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.jetbrains/jbre/jbr_jcef-11_0_14_1-linux-x64-b2043.25/extracted/jbr/bin/java'' finished with non-zero exit value 3) on the first run. Execute the task a second time, and it should build.