

Spotify User Analytics


In this project, we will be analyzing our listening history, top tracks & artists, and genres from Spotify. Here are the tools that we will be using:

Project Files


The diagram below illustrates the systems design and how the workflow will go.


Let's break this down into major steps


Get Spotify data

Build Docker containers

Now that we have the CSV files in the data folder, we can now build our Docker containers using this command:

docker-compose up

This command will build our dbt, postgres, and metabase containers. This will also run our data loading, transformations, and modeling in the background.

Transform, model, and load data to Postgres DB using dbt

During docker-compose, dbt runs the following commands

Navigating to http://localhost:8080 to see the documentation, we can see the lineage graph, a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph).


This shows us how the CSV files have been transformed to the fact, dimension tables and views.

Serve to Metabase dashboard

Now that the data is loaded and transformed in our database, we may now view it in http://localhost:3000. You may need to login, the credentials are

email: dbt@spotify.com
password: password1


Then you can navigate through, play around, and analyze your data.
