


An F# code format and corresponding interpreter.

The overall aim of the interpreter is to execute F# code in "unusual" ways, e.g.

The interpreter is used for the "LiveUpdate" feature of Fabulous, to interpret the Elmish model/view/update application code on-device.

The interpreter may also be useful for other live checking tools, because you get escape the whole complication of actual IL generation, Reflection emit and reflection invoke, and no actual classes etc are generated.

Code format

The input code format for the interpreter (PortaCode) is derived from FSharp.Compiler.Service expressions, the code is in this repo.


The semantics of interpretation can differ from the semantics of .NET F# code. Perf is not good but in many live check scenarios you're sitting on a base set of DLLs which are regular .NET code and are efficiently invoked.

Library calls are implemented by reflection invoke. It's the same interpreter we use on-device for Fabulous.

Command line arguments

Usage: <tool> arg .. arg [-- <other-args>]
       <tool> @args.rsp  [-- <other-args>]
       <tool> ... Project.fsproj ... [-- <other-args>]

The default source is a single project file in the current directory.
The default output is a JSON dump of the PortaCode.

   --once            Don't enter watch mode (default: watch the source files of the project for changes)
   --send:<url>      Send the JSON-encoded contents of the PortaCode to the webhook
   --send            Equivalent to --send:http://localhost:9867/update
   --projarg:arg     An MSBuild argument e.g. /p:Configuration=Release
   --dump            Dump the contents to console after each update
   --livecheck       Only evaluate those with a LiveCheck attribute. This uses on-demand execution semantics for top-level declarations
                     Also write an info file based on results of evaluation, and watch for .fsharp/foo.fsx.edit files and use the 
                     contents of those in preference to the source file
   <other-args>      All other args are assumed to be extra F# command line arguments, e.g. --define:FOO
