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yana - Yet Another Nostr Application


Why yet another client/app when there are so many already being developed?

Current mobile native nostr clients suffer from one of the following:

<img src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1400/1*ikIM4VRMIlRKawtAbY7bzw.png"/>

The objective of this project is neither fame, glory nor financial rewards.
My main motivator to spend time on this is to have a nostr client which I personally find the most pleasant to use on a everyday case.
Also to learn more deeply about Nostr and FOSS project development.

Each amount of funding will be distributed among the contributors according to the amount of contribution.
This will eventually allow each contributor to spend more time on the project.

See current contributors distribution


Freedom Tech

It will not be constrained to imperialist distributors, such as Apple Store or Google Store.
Highly recommended https://zap.store (android) which uses nostr keys for signing and web-of-trust.
You can also add github repo to Obtainium,
or you can just download them from the release's page and install it directly without a third-party distributor.

<a href="https://zap.store?app=yana.nostr"><img height="60" src="https://blob.satellite.earth/84dde28e6b2f727ddbb85fdf31ce1fc6c2731edb571444e8fbe0cd0b4ebf2ee8"/></a>

<img src="https://github.com/NeoApplications/Neo-Backup/blob/034b226cea5c1b30eb4f6a6f313e4dadcbb0ece4/badge_github.png?raw=true" alt="Get it on GitHub" height="80">

- Android

Install by choosing your architecture1 from releases.
Verify the signature of the .apk file:

keytool -printcert -jarfile <.apk-file> |grep SHA256

Compare this with the SHA256 found on nostr profile for Yana

- iOS

Use https://sideloadly.io/ to sideload the yana-version-ios.ipa file onto your ios device.

Current Features + Roadmap

<a name="contributors"></a>


Some initial code was used from nostrmo2 project.

70% - <a href="https://njump.me/npub1xpuz4qerklyck9evtg40wgrthq5rce2mumwuuygnxcg6q02lz9ms275ams">fmar <img width="20" height="20" src="https://nostr.build/i/27747076d9db02572ee4b71110615a08900e7a0be52f477bc977fa4a65edbaf6.jpg"></a> (code)
10% - <a href="https://njump.me/npub1m0sxqk5uwvtjhtt4yw3j0v3k6402fd35aq8832gp8kmer78atvkq9vgcru">Saunter <img width="20" height="20" src="https://m.primal.net/KcjB.jpg"></a> (UX + UI)
10% - <a href="https://njump.me/npub1xzeq653ms8wkekfnr49kgnzwrq7ykeljkrsf7fyh7ham9t6sl72q7v4dhh">Zitron <img width="20" height="20" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:640/1*x8phlldoLeDQxXMuKViHpA.jpeg"></a> (graphics + UX)
10% - <a href="https://njump.me/npub14wxtsrj7g2jugh70pfkzjln43vgn4p7655pgky9j9w9d75u465pqvagcye">Tomek ⚡ K <img width="20" height="20" src="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1369075278610395137/4Yp1YYNe.jpg"></a> (PR + Marketing)


Contributors are welcome to join the project, specially Designers UI/UX, coders, testers.
If you're not a coder but would like to see something added/implemented, or you have a great idea for a new feature, just don't hesitate to fill up a issue, or you can also post a bounty on https://nostrbounties.com/ or https://bountsr.org .
All constructive feedback is welcomed.


  1. https://www.howtogeek.com/339665/how-to-find-your-android-devices-info-for-correct-apk-downloads/

  2. https://github.com/haorendashu/nostrmo